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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Manchester Regiment


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Hello All,


At Sivry, Belgium, 3 km after the French border, early in the morning of November 11, 1918, Company C of the 9th Battalion of the Manchester Regiment, 199th Infantry Brigade, 66th Division, 13th Corps, 4th British Army, At 11:00 took the last German cannon. 
This cannon was offered to the Commune on the 13th of November by General Willams, and was installed at the precise spot of the English line reached at 11 o'clock.
In July 1940 the returning Germans took over this cannon, it was replaced in 1968 by an English canon of the WW2, unfortunately it was stolen a few years ago, and to replace it we will place a beautiful explanatory panel.
Around 10:55, the private J.H.E. FROST of company A of the same battalion, was mortally wounded, died shortly after (the same day), his grave is still well maintained in the cemetery of Sivry.
I seek the rank and names of the chiefs of companies A and C, dated November 11, 1918, the day of the armistice.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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I had hoped to see these Officer names in the War Diary but not easy to find. The Diary is in the National Archives under WO95/3145/5 and it is possible to download it for a small fee :


I see that on page 180 of 243 there is a metal rubbing of the message on the cannon captured on 11.11.1918, you may wish to see this, done after the war and entered into the Diary ! It also mentions Private JHE FROSTs death.

Maybe, but not certain, a Captain E H COYNE could have been OC of "C" Company.


Edited by sotonmate
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Many thanks Sotonmate.

Will see

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Copied from the excellent site Ashton Pals

Pte. 54854 JAMES HENRY ERNEST FROST. Born Aldridge, Staffs. Enlisted at Newcastle, Staffs. Son of Eli and Clara Leah Frost, Mill Lane, Aldridge, Walsall. Died of Wounds in France & Flanders 11.11.18. Formerly 221832 R.F.A. (Extract from the 9th Bn. war diary, "At 10.10 hours received an order that hostilities would cease at 11.00 hours, the order only reached Coys a few minutes before that hour. Enemy artillery remained active to the last and 54854 Pte. J. Frost of A Company was fatally wounded by a shell less than ten minutes before the armistice commenced").

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Hi Chris and 8055Bell,


Many thanks to you both,


Chris, I do this research to help a local historian, I shall see with him to put a post on the forum.



Edited by Pierre
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Hi Pierre,


Hope all is well with you.


Here is the War Diary


     The War Diary Records,

    “11 November 1918 - At 10.10 hours received an order that hostilities would cease at 11am, the order only reached companies a few minutes before that hour. Enemy artillery remained active to the last and 54854 Pte. J. Frost of “A” Company was fatally wounded by a shell less than ten minutes before the armistice commenced.”


and here is the man himself (although not a brilliant picture)






(oops, I see the WD is already above)




Edited by GraemeClarke
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Hi Graeme,


Glad to see you.

Many thanks, I forward to the local historian who's looking for the information.



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