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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Kit & Kat Track

Neil Mackenzie

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My great uncle was, according to one eye witness account at least, initially buried near a pillbox on the "Kit & Kat track". He now has no known grave.

Kit & Kat were apparently two German pillboxes and I have found them mentioned on the IWM Trench Map - on the road between Westhoek and Frezenberg. The relevant bit of the map is shown on the attachment (hopefully a reasonable size this time).

However, I am not sure which exactly would be the pillbox/es that were Kit & Kat. Is it the red square next to the K in Kit? According to the references on the map this would appear to be a dugout. Are pillboxes shown differently?

There is another dugout just to the south with what appears to be a track in between so I am assuming these two are Kit & Kat but if anyone could confirm this I would be very grateful.

Many thanks.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to ask if anyone knows whether anything visible remains of these pillboxes?



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I searched for Kit and Kat on one of my visits to the Salient, but without success. They feature in various accounts of the actions of 25th Brigade in 8th Division on 31/7/1917 and I believe they also get a mention in the recent book about the 1st Royal Irish Rifles. My particular interest in this area is the 2nd Rifle Brigade. If anyone has found them I would also like to know.

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Guest Stoner


Don't know if this of interest to you but I have (very) limited details on 4 men from Clanfield, Oxon with the surname Cross. Posted below

Pte W, Ox & Bucks. Wounded sometime before March 1916

Sgt J, No Regiment

Bdr H, RFA

& Dvr G, RFA

I believe they were all related but not sure

Sorry to Hi-jack Neil's thread but I just read Mike's Signature



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Yes please. I have a 'Cross' friend at Clanfield from this branch of the family who I know will be very interested. Maybe we can add to your knowledge. Mike.

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  • 13 years later...

After 14 years of searching I have this week finally found the location of the 'Kit-Kat' track thanks to an article by Graeme Trethewey on his great-uncle Norman (http://www.centenaryww1orange.com.au/service-men-and-women/norman-thomas-trethewey/)


As a result of the article I looked at the War Diary of the 1st Bn Australian Pioneers and it's reference to the Kit-Kat track in October 1917 meant I could tie it to the Zonnebeke B Duckwalk as shown on the attached map - you can see the trackt running NE from the Kit & Kat bunkers in J1.


Life being what it is I found another reference to it the very next day in the 1 ANZAC War Diary which confirmed that this track was called both 'Kit-Kat' and 'Zonnebeke B Duckwalk'.


As this Friday (27 Jan) was my great-uncle's birthday it seemed serendipitous.




P.S. I am sure that this image was initially supplied by someone on the Forum but I don't know who. If it was you please let me know so I can acknowledge you accordingly.



Edited by Neil Mackenzie
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Neil, isn't there another thread about Kit Kat on the forum somewhere? I seem to recall contributing, but could be mistaken. I will have a look.



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Lots of posts mentioning Kit Kat!  I was thinking of this one 


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I have asked about the Kit & Kat track' virtually every year - so there will be plenty of mentions :)



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There are! ??



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