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Can anybody help me. I am trying to find out who my Grandfather served with in WW1. The picture is the only evidence I have. I thought that his shoulder titles might be RWF as I can see the F at the end but not sure.


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What is your grandfather's name? There may be a document which bears his name.



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Welcome to the forum.


I haven't checked the details but there is a public tree on ancestry with the same photograph, plus reference to a service record with the Cheshire Regiment. The link is here



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I'm not sure the James Hill whose service record is linked to in post ID#4,  is the same man.

The image is the same.

The second man was born 1895.

He has extensive information in his service record, you need to cross check each item and see what matches, and what doesn't.

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I don't think the Ancestry Tree in my last post is correct in identifying the James Hill in the photograph as #12819, Cheshire Regiment. According to the service record referenced, the next of kin are a father Mr J Hill, mother Jesse Hill brother Arthur? and sister Mary. Not the same family 



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4 minutes ago, dgibson150 said:

I don't think the Ancestry Tree in my last post is correct in identifying the James Hill in the photograph as #12819, Cheshire Regiment. According to the service record referenced, the next of kin are a father Mr J Hill, mother Jesse Hill brother Arthur? and sister Mary. Not the same family 




No, I thought not.

Do you know the owners of the tree, or have you contacted them?

It might be useful to contact them to see how they came to their conclusions.

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43 minutes ago, dgibson150 said:

Dai Bach


I don't know the tree owner, but have contacted her to ask the question. If I get a reply, I will post it.




And you know for certain that the man in the picture is definitely your grandfather James Hill?

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2 minutes ago, dgibson150 said:

Dai Bach


I think you are mixing me up with the original poster, pendragon374.  


I am just trying to help.



So I am.


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Hi pendragon 374,


This is the Service Record that's posted on your tree for 12819 James Hill:



At attestation on September 1st 1914, he gives his age as 19 yrs 12(??) months, meaning (I presume he would have been born in September 1894.

You say 1898.

Someone born 1898 would only have been 16 in 1914, so might still only been 16 when supposedly posted overseas in June 1915.


The other discrepancy is the names of the parents.

Father is supposed to be Isaac, but it looks more like a 'J' than an 'I' on one of the forms.


How does other info from the SR tie in with what you know?

Residence at attestation -Reddish

Father -Jesse Hill, Mother- Mary (Not especially sure of that) , Gorton(?) Road, Reddish

Red hair!

Address on demob- 20 Westminster Ave, Reddish

Demob card  (Maybe top half completed 1915) gives Next of Kin as -Father -J Hill, Mother-Mrs Hill, Gorton Road, Reddish, 20 Westminster Ave, Reddish.

Occupation - Some sort of drawing machine maker.

Age (at 28/2/1919) -23  (So DOB 01/03/1895- 27/02/1896)



Edited by Dai Bach y Sowldiwr
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1911 census for James Hill, son of Isacc & Alice has address of 12 Richardson St, Stockport. I think that's outside Reddish but that may need checking.

Age on various censuses makes him b1898, Isacc & 1 sibling were hatters.


There is an Arnold Hill who has a father Isacc Hill of 101 Thornsett, Birch Vale, Stockport but this is even further away from Reddish. Service Record.


Fairly sure Arnold is a red-herring as James does not seem to have a brother Arnold and Arnold & Isacc Hill are on 1911 Census at 101 Thornsett, Birch Vale (Isacc indexed as 'Trace').




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Thanks for the work everybody. I am overwelmed by the help. Fingers crossed for any luck. James lived at 12, Richardson Street, Stockport and was a Hatter at the local hat works. The only other thing I have re his military service is one of the service buttons from his tunic.I have a lot of paperwork/photographs relating to his life but nothing other than the one military picture.John

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