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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gareth Davies

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I have just discovered that the Punch cartoonist Chas Grave was in the Tank Corps (he served in the 14th Bn).  Has anyone seen any drawings by him which include tanks?

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I would have thought Punch cartoonists would have been vaguely of interest to at least 1 person.  Anyone?

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Sorry - didn't see this before. I'll have a rummage through my Bumper Book of Punch Cartoons this evening. Never really need an excuse.

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Vaguely of interest to me, Gareth, though I can't help you with Charles Grave. But  Punch cartoonist Leonard Raven-Hill lived in Bromham, Wiltshire from around 1896 to about 1912 and was celebrated for his comments on the political scene. He was a keen member of the Volunteers (and later the Territorials) and attended their annual training camps, producing various cartoons based on his experiences there. Though only a couple of their captions refer to Wiltshire, they all capture the atmosphere of military activity in the county, especially by part-time soldiers. He was an officer in the 2nd Volunteer Battaltion, Wiltshire Regiment.


(I cut & pasted some of the above from my notes, wondered exactly where in Wiltshire he'd lived, had an idea it might have been in Bromham, Googled - and got taken to a sample page from one of my books which confirmed my idea.)


As you probably know, the


Punch archive


is available on line, but not directly to the public at large.




Afterthought: no doubt you Googled something like "Punch cartoonist Chas Grave Tanks" and came up with samples of his work but perhaps none, that I can see, featuring tanks.

Edited by Moonraker
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Thank you. Yes, I have searched and was disappointed not to find any tank cartoons.

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I did have a good search when you first posted, but came up blank. Plenty of WW1 cartoons (some very good), but no tanks. Apparently, his main interest was in small naval ships.


An obituary mentioned that he carried severe injuries for life, so perhaps he had no great fondness for tanks?

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Thank you for looking. 



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I've looked through the collection of Punch cartoons in my (ahem) Extensive Library and not only is there nothing by Chas Grave featuring tanks, there seem to be no tank cartoons until 1939.

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