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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Grass is always Greener? Professional Football 1911


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While looking at material relating to the East Surrey Regiment held at the Surrey History Centre I came across the following in the 1st Battalions Order (reference: ESR/2/2/23) relating to servicemen being brought out to become professional footballers.


Notice from 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment Part I Orders Wednesday 5 April 1911


FOOTBALL.              The following rule of the English Football Association is published for information:

            “A soldier whose discharge is obtained by purchase shall not be entitled to be registered as a professional player until the expiration of twelve months from the date of discharge”.

            Cases have recently arisen where soldiers have been brought out of the service to play football for a professional team with the result that the above rule has debarred them earning a living at football, and the men find they have left the Service under a misunderstanding, with no employment.



Edited by bootneck
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