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Battle of the Frontiers Commemorations 2016


The 22 August this year falls on a Monday so the main commemorative activities are being held on the previous weekend 20/21 August. There is a ceremony, also remembering Verdun, on the Saturday night at the French cemetery at LaClaireau and after the formal commemorations on the Sunday morning, Sur les Pas de la Memoire have organised another walk around the battlefield with various informative "stands", on Sunday afternoon. Further information can be found on the Facebook page of @surlespasdelamémoire


La Verdunoise, 13 August 2016


For any cyclists in the south of Belgium, this year's La Verdunoise cycle ride (Ethe-Verdun-Ethe) over 145k, takes place on Saturday 13 August. This will be the 27th time the ride has been held and like that in the centenary year of 2014 (Ethe), 2016 (Verdun) should be particularly interesting. Further details here: http://rvcg.e-monsite.com/pages/les-randonnees-rvcg-2015/


Sadly I always seem to arrive in Jamoigne after the Verdunoise has been ridden, one year I'll make it :innocent:




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