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Army Council Instruction 59 of 17. Anyone have it?


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Brig James (& LLT) inform us that 24th Bn RWF was formed 1 3 1917 from Dismounted Denbighshire Yeo. Ditto 25th Bn RWF from Mont Yeo/Welsh Horse.


In many personal records though I see this transfer as being on 16 12 1916. Many have a stamp to this effect and a stamp saying that the authority is 'ACI 59 of 1917'

Link to an example on Ancestry





The number sequences for these two RWF battalions start at 345xxx and 355xxx respectively but on some files I see numbers 340xxx and 350xxx struck out. These latter number also turn up on AVLs and on Medal Cards as RWF numbers but I cannot recognise them as being RWF ( I suspect they might be 1917 TF renumbering numbers for the  aforementioned Yeomanry units overseas albeit I note that Yeo six digit numbers did not extend that high and Denb Yeo /Mont Yeo have blocks allocated)


Does anyone have this ACI please?  It might throw some light on this discrepancy in the dates and maybe the numbering.





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Since posting I have reviewed quite a few of the records I had found and they were definitely given a number from the sequence I identify in post one before the one they eventally ended up with.


I think the answer might be in those appendicies referred to in para 1 and 2 i.e Appendix I and Appendix II (note the *). Would you have those?

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  • spof changed the title to Army Council Instruction 59 of 17. Anyone have it?

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