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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hospitals in India

Guest caldhbreac

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Guest caldhbreac

As someone who has been researching his fathers First World War service

history (from this you may assume I am a senior) for many years. I have a

As someone who has been researching his fathers First World War service

history (from this you may assume I am a senior) for many years. I have a

problem in trying to fill in where he was in India after he was badly

wounded in Mesopotamia in March 1916. To the best of my belief he was in

hospital for many months in India - not sure where - but in 1917 was

reposted from his Battalion - The 1st. Connaught Rangers to the 1st.

Garrison Battalion The Royal Irish Rifles.. I have been able to find out

that this Garrison Battalion was formed in Dublin in November 1915 and was

then sent to India from March 1916 to 11th November 1918. During this time

my father was with them. I assume that this posting was as recogontion that

he was no longer able to be a fighting soldier. He did return to England in

late 1917 to be discharged because of his wounds.

My question is can any one tell me where the 1st. Garrison Battalion of The

Royal Irish Rifles was actually stationed in India during this time so that

I can fill in one little gap in my fathers service history.

Any help and advise greatly appreciated

Michael McDonnell.

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Each British Cantonment in India had its own Military Hospital. Two specific War Hospitals were the Deccan and Cumballa War Hospitals at Poona and Bombay respectively.


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