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Two nice unit-marked HQ's!


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One of my collecting friends here has just offered me a choice of one of or both of these two very nice hookies in his collection... At well above UK or GB prices, though, by 25-50%, and so even more than well above my salary... Apart from which I think if my wife discovered that I had bought another hookie, well, she has some idea that they cost a little bit more than most of what I do buy, and so I have had to say 'No, but many thanks'... :( Oh, and and no, he does not sell outside of Turkey - and he also knows that the JAC is the rare one! But anyway, the markings will probably be of interest to many of you HQ buffs.

post-69449-0-67378600-1442333300_thumb.j post-69449-0-33475200-1442333318_thumb.j

So a nice JAC, with a marking that I think is the Royal Jersey Militia - but I don't have any books to hand to check...

post-69449-0-44002200-1442333396_thumb.j post-69449-0-46812800-1442333445_thumb.j

So a Sanderson, with that typical large '09' marking in the 1909, and markings for 2nd Bedfordshires?


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Nice HQ Bayonets, pommel marked to the 2nd Bedfordshires, and the other to 3rd Regiment Royal Jersey Militia, plus their serial numbers.



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One assumes that the RJM one never left the Islands during the GW? The asking price, by the way, is USD four figures, but below the mid-way point.

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Nice bayonets, but now sadly well beyond the budget of the average collector.


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Nice bayonets, but now sadly well beyond the budget of the average collector.


Too true, but they are significantly more expensive in Turkey than in the UK. I have seen them advertised recently in the UK for GBP 400 or so, but the same one here might start at around USD 800, and usually at a fair bit higher, between USD 1,000-1,400... Another thing is that while the price in the UK varies according to condition, rarity, and markings, here it is high whatever - unless the seller knows it's a rare one, as does the owner of this JAC marked one...


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Nice bayonets Trajan, but I agree that they are out of the reach of the average collector now. Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you - my wife now knows the value of HQ 1907s and if she found one floating around at home a very awkward conversation would ensue!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have just been sent more detailed photographs of the Bedfordshire one shown in post no.1. Interesting...

To begin with, the SANDERSON mark was originally struck too high up the ricasso - note the trace of the original terminal 'N' above the visible one - and was removed to allow the year stamp to go in and re-stamped lower down... Then, on the back of the pommel is a mark I have never seen before - '12.09'. Some kind of issue mark?


post-69449-0-73025100-1444913165_thumb.j post-69449-0-91836100-1444913176_thumb.j

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And they each weigh how much...............?

So, if I buy an HQ here in the US and ship it to you to sell in Turkey we could make a killing and split the $10 profit !



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...Then, on the back of the pommel is a mark I have never seen before - '12.09'. Some kind of issue mark?

A date mark for first issue perhaps? - seems strangely coincidental if it isn't that it would correspond with a date just two months after it's initial acceptance/manufacture date...

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And they each weigh how much...............?

So, if I buy an HQ here in the US and ship it to you to sell in Turkey we could make a killing and split the $10 profit !



I'll try to get the weights but no guarantee!

And I think it would be more than a USD 10 split... The owner is asking USD 1300.00 for the Bedfordshire one... HQ's could be bought here for USD 600-800 a year or so back...


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  • 5 weeks later...

... And they each weigh how much...............?

I'll try to get the weights but no guarantee! ,,,

And I did - but only for the Sanderson, a 10/09 HQ, at 471 gr., no clearance hole...

Actually I bargained the chap down substantially for this one ("No WAY was this at Gallipoli!"), and got the thing for a reasonable price, closer to the UK average... So, an early Christmas present to myself but w/o my dear wife knowing just yet... :ph34r:

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Duly noted, and a really nice-looking HQ !!



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I am still HQ-less! To me you got the more interesting one from the 'been there and done it' viewpoint. The 1st and 2nd battalions were the regular ones, so the first to get deployed. I've noticed that bayonets marked to the 3rd battalions are often seen, which makes sense as these were usually the training battalion.

Off to Brum tomorrow for the show at the Motorcycle Museum - wonder if anything has my name on it!



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Many thanks one and all! That's three SANDERSON '09 HQ's in the bag now, which is more than enough of that make methinks! Nothing new to add re: description and condition, except that the SANDERSON mark had been stamped twice, the first time lightly so. It looks like the same thing happened with one of the others...

Tony, I hope you do get one at Brum, but these days they seem to me to cost the same or only a little less in the fairs and shows as are they with the dealers. I was fortunate with this one - my dealer friend found he couldn't offload it anywhere at the price he wanted and so was prepared to be reasonable to a good customer who identifies lots for him, and let it go for half the original asking price... Still a very large chunk from my salary, but like I said, an early Dec 25th present for myself... Guess I'd better start saving for the better half's pressie now just in case she spots my bank statement... :ph34r:

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If bayonet's are your thing -- and clearly they are -- I think they're a good buy. They aren't going to get any cheaper, that's for sure.

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Thanks mate - yes, these things are not going to get cheaper soon... As is the way of things the prices seem to have stabilised somewhat now that we are almost at the end of 2015, but they are unlikely to drop for a long while...

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Much like medals, which have had surges at times, then stabilised. But I doubt will ever start going backwards to any large degree.

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