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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Shooting Incident at ASC Barracks, Woolwich 14 August 1911


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I'm hoping someone might point me in the direction of where I might find any further details of a shooting incident at the Army Service Corps Barracks, Woolwich on the 14th August 1911. My grandfather, Driver Harry Smith, was shot by Driver William Walters in an incident where my grandfather was subsequently rushed to hospital and lost his eye. I found this information from two newspapers, The Western Gazette Friday August 18 1911 and Sunderland Daily Echo Thursday August 24 1911. There must be further articles, newspapers, military or even police/court case reference to this somewhere but not sure where to look. I have a possible Regimental Number for my grandad but can't get this confirmed unless its given in a reference to the shooting.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and possibly sharing your knowledge of where I need to look.

Kaz Fletch

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I'm hoping someone might point me in the direction of where I might find any further details of a shooting incident at the Army Service Corps Barracks, Woolwich on the 14th August 1911. My grandfather, Driver Harry Smith, was shot by Driver William Walters in an incident where my grandfather was subsequently rushed to hospital and lost his eye. I found this information from two newspapers, The Western Gazette Friday August 18 1911 and Sunderland Daily Echo Thursday August 24 1911. There must be further articles, newspapers, military or even police/court case reference to this somewhere but not sure where to look. I have a possible Regimental Number for my grandad but can't get this confirmed unless its given in a reference to the shooting.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and possibly sharing your knowledge of where I need to look.

Kaz Fletch

Where was your grandfather born and when ?


Dvr William Walters born abt 1891 in Wood Green - listed as a groom on 1911 census. Dvr Harry Smith, a grrom, born abt 1892 in Swanley is also listed on the same page.


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The Kentish Mercury is one of the main local papers of the time.

I don't know where you are, but Lewisham and Greenwich local archives hold copies on micro-fiche.


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Thank you for your responses Craig and Phil. Yes that is him on the 1911 Census he was born 30 April 1891 in Swanley, Kent but unfortunately it doesn't give Regimental Numbers and Harry Smith is a very popular name. I know he was Driver in the ASC and he was at Woolwich Barracks. I haven't come across a Service Record for him8 so assume it's been destroyed. A previous post on the forum brought up a possible Regimental No.of T/28453. The Medal Index Card for T/28453 is the HQ Coy 4 Div Train and then Labour Corps No.501590. He's on the National Roll of The Great War detailing 1914 Star and wounded at Arras and his address as 7 Smyrks Road, Walworth SE18 My dad never even knew how his father lost his eye as he never spoke about it, he assumed it was during the war so to find the extracts from those newspapers was a surprise and a shock. If I can find a Regimental Number from the shooting then I can research his military career further.

I'll try and get to Lewisham/Greenwich to look at the Kentish Mercury, I will enquire whether the Kent History Library in Maidstone has it as its closer. Many thanks.


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I must say, I do like the look of T/28453. From looking at other service papers, it would appear to fit a man who enlisted around 1909.

Of the men on the 1911 census, James A Giddings was T/28364, James Shackell was T/28368, and Frederick W Tillman was T/28495.

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I'm very hopeful, especially as T/28453 went to the Labour Corps. According to the National Roll of the Great War my grandad was wounded at Arras, invalided home and whilst convalescing did agricultural work in Swanley (possibly in the Labour Corps??). He was discharged in 1920. The shooting incident is the only firm link I've got.


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If it helps, the Labour Corps number 501590 was issued in the period October 1917 to February 1918.


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If he was wounded at Arras, I need to find out when that was fought to see if it fits in with the Labour Corps dates.

Does anyone know whether the Army would have investigated the shooting or would it have just been a police matter? There must be some sort of record somewhere?


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If he was wounded at Arras, I need to find out when that was fought to see if it fits in with the Labour Corps dates.

Does anyone know whether the Army would have investigated the shooting or would it have just been a police matter? There must be some sort of record somewhere?


The army would investigate - I know of a similar case where the men were messing about with a rifle (believed to be unloaded) which went off and killed a man a couple of tents away. They were arrested by the police but the charges were dropped when the case was deemed to be an accident. The army investigated and found the same.


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