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Routine Order Sept 1914: 1st Cav Bde gets a b*ll*cking.

Toby Brayley

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Hello all.

Came across this today in the vast collection of RQMS Lummis of the 11th Hussars (later an MC winner with the Suffolks, author of Honour the Light Brigade and thankfully a wonderful hoarder).

Genuine Routine Order dated 2nd September 1914. I found this a brief but interesting read, it made me chuckle especially as this was issued the day after the famous action at Nery in which the Queens Bays, 5DG and 11th Hussars, all part of the 1st Cavalry Brigade were involved in.

During the action 11th Hussars under Lieutenant Norrie captured some of the first German guns of the war, with the "assistance" of the Bays and the Middlesex Regt.

After the "hetic" previous weeks and the fine performance of the Brigade this must have come as a shock. Lummis himself had quite the adventure!

Order of battle 1st Calvary Brigade August 1914. Part of 1st Cavalry Division.


Brigader General Briggs CB

2nd Dragoon Guards (Queens Bays)

5th Dragoon Guards

11th Hussars

1st Signal Troop


Hope this is of interest to some!


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Canon Lummis' large collection of VC files is at the IWM London - more like scrapbooks with all sorts of information on the recipients tipped in. It was my job at one time to "update" them with any new information that came along.


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I know the feeling! We have his research on Honour the Light Brigade it is a mass of scribbles and snippets that must have made perfect sense to him!

Prior to the Great War he was editor of the Regimental Journal and a number of interviews with Crimea veterans and the like appear in its pages.

From his time with the 11th we have lots of orders and Great War related documents.


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The GOC was, of course, Allenby, and I have read elsewhere (Anglesey?) about his fussiness in respect of chinstraps and suchlike. Didn't do much to endear him to the rank and file!

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I can imagine. Especially after the confusion and nature of fighting of the previous few days/weeks, I am sure this was the last thing on their minds.

But I suppose discipline must be maintained!

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