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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Artillery 6" 30cwt howitzer


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Can anyone help with any info on this early WW1 piece.

I have a lot of photographs and there is a pdf file manual.....however it appears the drawings in this file have not been displayed fully.

I have side view drawings but would need a plan view....the option is to make a 1/35th scale model.

if anybody has the manual and could copy the plan, it would be of great help to have the barrel / breech diagrams and the limber.

Sorry if this is a long list, but any help is welcome.

I live in Plymouth so a trek up to London (Woolwich) to measure the thing is a major undertaking.

Thanks for any and all help.

George Moore


I make the masters for Resicast, we are about to release the 9.2" howitzer at the MAFVA show Duxford later this month.

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Thanks Rob,

Very useful.....I had seen the one on the US site, Library of Congress I think......that had drawings but they were folded....at least this version has them folded out.....the side elevations are good with great details of the barrel and breech.

There is one at IWM Duxford....with the FWD, I'll be there later this month for the MAFVA show....I hope they will let me have a chance to take a few measurements....as it is in position barriered off it's doubtful, but I'll have a go.


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Tell 'em it's a Victorian artillery piece : impervious to anything mere mortals can inflict on it. The IWM is a museum, education and study for the promotion of, not a cathedral. Good luck.

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Now then Rob, you are talking to someone who has incurred the wrath of the tabard wearing Gestapo found in British museums......and if they have a radio as well.....No chance mate.

I have had mixed experience on occasions. These were after discussing with said guardians, seeking permission, detailing what I needed......

1. Duxford. OK, wanted details of the AEC Dorchester drivers area....no problem. Took photo's great time.

2. Duxford. Another AEC, the very rare AEC 850 (FWD R6T)......was underneath photographing the complicated suspension layout......oh boy was I in the brown stuff.

3. IWM London, 9.2" howitzer, no problem with taking photo's....but when I got the measuring tape out......another issue altogether.

OK readers, I know what you are going to say, contact them first with details, etc etc.....great if the people you contact actually send this info on to the others.

One I forgot.....the Army museum in Brussels.....had the temerity to try and photo an exhibit and on leaning forward, bells/whistles/alarms and uniformed people coming at me from all sides. I had broken a light beam.!

Firepower at Woolwich was in my experience the best.....very helpful and friendly......hint...look for the "older" person on duty.

I'll be in London for a few days in July.....all I need to do is get permission from the missus to go to Woolwich.....it is the start of our holiday !


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