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Where ? "Newry Junction".


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Does anybody know the wording "Newry Junction" ? Where was it.



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Can't see it anywhere. If you could giveany information on area you think it may be in, may help. It may be a light rail junction or similar.


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I understand your question better than Peter does. :hypocrite:

Is it allright if I post a tiny detail here of what you sent me ?

(I did my best to read co-ordinates, but it does not make sense.)


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Sorry, bit late. But here it is.

Gilbert is interested in a WW1 photo, with a windmill. And a signpost to Woesten, Vlamertinge and Ypres.

Also a sign on a tree trunk. (See photo below)

One says : Sens obligatoire (= one way)

But also what I (and Gilbert) think is : NEWRY JUNCTION.

Do we all agree ?

If so : what does "Newry" stand for ? Isn't it a location in the UK ?

Of course I would like to find that location on the photo on a map.

But right now I can't.

Is what is below indeed co-ordinates ?

I seem to read : S.28 or 20 or 23.D.9.5

S.28 and S.20 are near or southeast of Bailleul (Belle), North of France.

20.d.9.5 would make sense. For there is a T-junction.



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Newry is a town in County Down, Northern Ireland. Presumably the 36th (Ulster) Division passed through there at some stage and gave the junction its name.


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I am not certain but at that time I think there was a Railway Station at Newry called 'Newry Junction' at which many men, mostly from northern parts of Ireland, congregated and waited for trains to take them to ports for embarkation, to England and then the Western Front.


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Certainly Newry is a town in UK, well, Northern Ireland.

I don't think a cross roads or junction near Bailleul would indicate Woesten and Vlamertinge. Ypres yes, but not the villages.

At B 28D 9.5 - Brielen - is a small rail siding/junction, with roads to Woesten, Vlamertinge and Ypres. Possibility?


PS if you stood on Brielenstraat today, at B28D 9.5, somewhere near Mieboomstraat, if it were a one-way street you could expect to see a signpost to Vlamertinge, Woesten and Ypres.

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Thanks, Yes, I had found out about Newry in N. Ireland, but I failed to see some connection. Clearer now.


Maybe what I saw as an "S" indeed could be a "B". And would Brielen make sense ? Probably. On the other hand, as Ypres, Woesten and ... Vlamertinge are in the same direction... (See attached detail) And actually, Vlamertinge is behind you when watching the signpost.

But together with the windmil, and Gilbert being a windmill specialist ...



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Eikhoek, the place indicated, is indeed a possibility, however it is difficult to see why Vlamertinge was signposted with Woesten and Ypres on a one-way street.

At the Rail yard near Brielen, one would expect to see Woesten, Vlamertinge, Ypres signpost on a one-way street.


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High time Gilbert joined again ! :)

I don't know what to say or think ...

(Comparing the two windmill photos, I see interesting similarities, but maybe also some differences ?)


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From the information provided - which is quite scant - the attached map shows what seems to be most likely, based on the signposts.

If Mr Gilbert posts his photo, may be able to help more.



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Yes, I too thought : maybe the shortest way from these Brielen co-ordinates to Vlamertinge, is to turn back, for that is the normal road Brielen - Vlamertinge. But we know that with all that military traffic the road to be used was not the normal road. So for Vlamertinge : at the T-junction : right, and then somewhere between Brielen and Ypres, right again, to Vlamertinge ?

But I am sure Gilbert (Zijde26) is on his way.

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I think I agree with JWK above.

The co-ordinates 20.s.20.d.9.5 give the road junction where Kruisboomstraat meets the N321, about 2.3km south east of Westvleteren.

This picture is a Google Streetview taken from that spot.

If you approach the junction from the south, then for Ypres, Vlamertinge and Woesten you would take the right hand road (Kruisboomstraat), which would take you out to the N8.

Indeed, the streetview shows an orange modern day direction sign for Ieper.


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Now we have the full picture, I agree with Eikhoek. The landscape is not the same as the Brielen rail area. Also, the fact that it is a road junction is apparent.


If only the enquirer had put the full info first....

Edit....and still can't figure out how Vlamertinge is signposted. But, it looks correct

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That looks perfect indeed.

Gilbert did not post the photo himself, because I think this is a technical problem for him. So I offered him to do it for him, but not knowing whether he would like the whole photo on the Forum, I offered to put the detail of the signposts on his behalf. And not until later for the whole photo. He had no objection (of course). But true, it should have been posted days ago.

I'm sure when Gilbert sees where Dai Bach said it was (Eikhoek), he'll agree, and may have other photos of the windmill, which would prove that Eikhoek is correct.

Peter, Vlamertinge is a problem for me too. (But that is not my only problem, as you know ... Even Boezinge can be a problem, to say it in a "concrete" way. :-) )


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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for the excellent reactions.


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