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George Clement Cluley, Leicestershire regiment


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I hope somebody can help me. I am researching my Great Grandfather's brother George Clement Cluley on behalf of my father. My father was convinced that George was based in Gallipoli for a period of time however so far I have failed to prove this.

Although I cannot find his service records I do have his service medal and award rolls.

This states the Leicestershire regiment, regiment number 15429.

It also gives 3 additional numbers after his name.

15429 8/Leic R

15429 9/Leic R

15429 2/Leic R

Could somebody let me know if 8, 9 and 2 are the Battalion numbers? Also any further information would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance


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They are Battalion numbers landed in France 29th July 1915 with the main body of the 8th Bn

Later posted to the 9th

Posted to 2nd Bn Mesopatamia/Palestine

Did not serve in Gallipoli in those Battalions


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Both 8 and 9 Battalions were part of 110 Infantry Brigade of 37 Division. Probably just a sideways move from 8 to 9 at some time,maybe to suit operational need or he may have been sick/injured enough to be withdrawn to recover and then posted where it suited.

Move to 2 Battalion for the same sort of reasons.

I saw no service/pension records either,only that he was discharged to Class Z Army Reserve on 2 Jul 1919. In the absence of records you may have difficulty finding dates where he moved units.

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15429 Pte. "C". Cluley appears in a list of about 100 Leicestershire Regiment men noted as Wounded in the Times Casualty List of 16-8-1916


I suspect this is the list of wounded of either 8th or 9th Battalions attack from the north edge of Mametz Wood down to Bazentin le Petit on 14 July 1916. 8th Battalion was one of the battalions that made the assault (8th Battalion attacked "Villa Trench", and yes, "Aston Trench" was nearby) whilst 9th Battalion took part in the consolidation of gains.

Both battalions were effectively disbanded in the first half of 1918 and the remaining men would have been redistributed at that time - though moving away from the Western Front at that time would seem unlikely.


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Hello Mick,

And welcome to the forum. I reckon George would have enlisted in Leicester on the 23rd September 1914, and as already pointed out by Ken, gone over to France with the original 110th (Leicestershire) Brigade, that's the 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th Battalions. I've also got him listed in a Leicester Daily Mercury dated 14th April 1917 as being wounded, so it's possible that this is when he was transferred to the 2nd Battalion on returning to service. The Mercury list does show him as being a resident of Leicester, do you have any idea on whereabouts he was living?



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Thank you so much to everyone for the information, it is really appreciated! Many thanks for the welcome Llew and what a great forum it is too. George was living in the Leicester area (possibly Blaby). I know my Dad used to visit him when he was younger so I could find out the exact location if that helps. Sadly George didn't mention anything about the war to him (which is completely understandable!).

I think it is my Dad's Uncle that mentioned to him that George was involved with Gallipoli...this is looking increasingly unlikely though.


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So, as a tentative timeline of service (and assuming that each wounding above meant a switch of battalions) we have the following:

23-09-1914 Enlisted at Leicester

23-09-1914 Posted to 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

xx-09-1914 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment initially part of 15th (Scottish) Division

xx-04-1915 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment attached to 110th Brigade of 37th Division (along with 6th, 7th and 9th Battalions of the Leicestershire Regiment)

29-07-1915 Embarked to France with 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

07-07-1916 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment and 110th Brigade moved to 21st Division

14-07-1916 Wounded at Bazentin le Petit with 8th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

15-07-1916 Evacuated back to the UK or hospitals in France

xx-xx-1916 Returned to 21st Division Reinforcement Camp in France

xx-xx-1916 Posted to 9th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

xx-03-1917 Wounded with 9th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

xx-03-1917 Evacuated back to the UK

xx-xx-1917 Sent to Mesopotamia to join 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

xx-02-1918 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment moved from Mesopotamia to Palestine

04-06-1919 Demobilised with 28 days leave

02-07-1919 Transferred to Class Z Army Reserve

Records and Censuses show:

1894 - Born at Blaby, Leicestershire

1901 - Whetstone Road, Leicester - age 6, son of John Cluley (45, boot trade commercial traveller, born at Foleshill, Warwickshire) and Mrs Louisa Cluley (43, born at Leicester); brother of John Shirley F Cluley (17, railway clerk), Letitia C (14), Margaret (12), Walter Edward (10), Sarah (8) and Milicent Mary (5)

1911 - 3 Lansdowne Road, Leicester - age 16, at school (in "further education"?), son of John Cluley (55, boot trade traveller) and Mrs Louisa Cluley (53); brother of Maurice Henry (25, railway clerk), Margaret (22, student), Sarah (18, student) and Milicent Mary (15)

1966 - Died on 8 July 1966 at Teignmouth Hospital Devon; of Smugglers Lane Caravan Park, Holcombe, Dawlish, Devon

He appears in the Times of 16-4-1917, again under the Wounded heading:



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Some battalion diary entries to which you should find useful.

The 8th Battalion 14.07.1916,

3.00am. Dispositions as follows, Battalion HQ. same place as above, “D” Company in 2 lines of 2 platoons with its right on the railway 200 yards in front of north edge of wood. “C” Company moved up to the north edge, “B” Company supporting 7th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT lying in the north east corner of the wood, “A” Company supported the 6th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT lying out in the open on the eastern side of the wood. Battalion raiders and “D” Company bombers were lying out in front of “D” Company 1st wave. During our intense bombardment from 3.00am., enemy subjected the north edge of the wood and the wood itself to very heavy bombardment and machine gun fire. 3.25am. “D” Company advanced preceded by the raiders and bombers to their objective which was about 100 yards of VILLA TRENCH to the left of the railway LEFT TRENCH and ASTON TRENCH. During intense bombardment they crept up as close as possible. In the actual attack this Company suffered considerably from hostile machine gun fire, not a single officer reaching VILLA TRENCH. The Company was led by its N.C.O.’s. Very little opposition was encountered once VILLA TRENCH was reached, dug outs were immediately bombed and the Lewis guns which followed up closely took up a position in VILLA TRENCH and caused a considerable number of casualties amongst the retreating enemy. Although the majority of the raiders had been knocked out, the remainder did excellent work in bombing towards the left flank and blocking VILLA and ASTON TRENCHES. “D” Company consolidated these trenches as quickly as possible. At 4.25am. “C” Company and 1st waves of “A” and “B” Companies advanced over the 450 yards of no mans land and arrived at BAZENTIN LE PETIT WOOD, “C” Company going up the west side of the wood as far as FOREST TRENCH support, eventually advancing with 7th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT as far as the north edge of the wood on the way bombing two enemy dug outs in the wood. This Company’s final position was from ASTON TRENCH to within about 100 yards of north west corner of wood. “B” Company and “A” Company on arrival at the wood pushed forward in support of 7th and 6th LEICESTERSHIRE REGT the whole three advancing to the north edge of the wood and BAZENTIN LE PETIT village. The enemy put up a strong resistance in FOREST TRENCH but withdrew to the outskirts of the village and the extreme north east corner of the wood, the time was about 8.00am. During the advance over no mans land a number of casualties received due to enemy machine gun situated in the middle of the wood on platforms up large trees. About 5.00am. Commanding Officer and Adjutant came over to south west corner of wood where Battalion HQ. was established. 5.25am. Last wave of “A” and “B” Companies came over and passed right through the wood to the north edge. 5.00am. Enemy counter attacked up ASTON and VILLA TRENCHES with bombs and rifle grenades, “C” Company under 2nd Lt. ALEXANDER formed bombing parties and drove them back, the latter and the Colonel losing their lives about this time. The left flank was continually rifle grenaded till about 2.30pm. 10.00am. Enemy counter attacked the north edge of the wood but were repulsed by rifle and Lewis gun fire after 3 hours of fighting. About this time 50 men were sent up from FOREST TRENCH where they were consolidating to support “C” Company’s right. Every effort was now made to consolidate positions gained. From 3.00 to 4.15pm. enemy bombarded BAZENTIN LE PETIT WOOD and no mans land very heavily, using tear shells, when the 1st EAST YORKSHIRE REGT came up with reinforcements. Night of 14th/15th. North edge of wood was much troubled by a party of enemy entrenched outside, who caused several casualties with rifle grenades and sniping. This party was eventually driven out by stokes gun on night of 16th/17th instant.

There are only two pages to the 9th Battalion diary for March 1917 and the only mention of casualties is on the 15th,

TRENCHES, HOHENZOLLERN SECTOR. At 5am a Brigade Raiding Party, consisting of 150 men, of which we supplied 1 Officer & 40 Other Ranks, raided the enemies trenches. The raid was successful, we captured seven prisoners, and it is estimated that 6 casualties were inflicted on the enemy. The casualties of the Battalion party were:- 2 OR killed & 6 OR wounded.

Mind you it does record that the total casualties for March were 9, OR killed or died from wounds and 36 wounded.

This will give you a better idea on what George was involved in up until he was wounded with the 8th Battalion.




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Wow, I am speechless! Thank you so much to everyone for this fascinating information that has provided a better picture for us. You are all extremely helpful and knowledgeable and I am so grateful...I cannot wait to pass it on to my Dad!



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