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A friend of mine is attempting to find the "exact" panel reference for Tom Ashworth 17 Northumberland Fusiliers, any assist

EDIT ; Forget this he has given me the wrong name :w00t:

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would cwgc info not tell them ?

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... the "exact" panel reference

Go to the man's entry in the CWGC database and click on "panel list" - for example the first man in the Thiepval register HERE.


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As I have said, he has supplied the wrong information but, had it been this man the CWGC information is not sufficient to say which pier he is on, would it be 10,11 or 12 ? a very educated guess for a man names Ashworth would be panel 10 in my opinion , beginning of the alphabet. Ralph.

Go to the man's entry in the CWGC database and click on "panel list" - for example the first man in the Thiepval register HERE.


Agreed, but is he on 11C or 12a

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His rank is also sometimes a help. If a man is named on a couple of panels, then if an officer it is a fair bet that he will be on the first of those, whereas a private named Zog is likely to be on the latter.


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Agreed Bruce, if there are a lot of higher ranks in a particular regiment than a private beginning with the letter A this could "relegate" him to panel two, which does not show on the CWGC details.

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As I have said, he has supplied the wrong information but, had it been this man the CWGC information is not sufficient to say which pier he is on, would it be 10,11 or 12 ? a very educated guess for a man names Ashworth would be panel 10 in my opinion , beginning of the alphabet. Ralph.

Agreed, but is he on 11C or 12a

Tom Ashworth of the 17th Bn Northd Fus is buried at St Sever Cemetery Extension. If that isn't the correct man then wouldn't it be simplest just to say who is, and also, perhaps, explain what the question is ?


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I did say in the original post to "forget this" I was given the wrong name - IF I ever get the correct information and he is on the Thiepval Memorial then the same question will be asked , what is the exact pier and face he is recorded on. Ralph, (Tried to delete the original post to avoid all this "confusion")

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A case in point raised today under Soldiers Ernest Crosland Pier and Face 14A and 15C , he does not appear in both places so which pier and which face does he appear, the CWGC does not differentiate , this is my point. Ralph.

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Not sure if this helps, but the "documentation" now available on the CWGC includes Panel lists for the memorials. Taking Ernest Crosland as an example, there is a (pretty crowded, and not easily legible) Thiepval panel list in the documentation. It is annotated something like "(?O)C14 on the left and says "Face D Blank" to its right. The Memorial plan shows that both 14D and 15D are blank (exterior) faces. So my surmise would be that it represents panel 14A, since 14D would be to its right as viewed (but not 15C, which has the blank face D to its left as viewed).

Feel free to say that this is not infallible logic. But if it holds water, there might be similar clues on the CWGC panel list documents for other casualties?


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