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1/8th Bn Worcestershire War Diary - Missing Volume?


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A search on The National Archives (TNA) website for the War Diary of the 1/8th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment seems to indicate that the volume covering the period from November 1917 to August 1918 (when I understand they were in Italy) is missing.

The search results I got from TNA is shown below.

Anyone any idea why this apparently missing volume is not returned on TNA search? Is this part of the diary missing perhaps?



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Maybe not been digitized yet? You could send them an email or phone them.

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I haven't been able to find the diaries for the period November 1917 to August 1918 in Dicovery either. I wonder if they have endedup being miss filed, as well as the probable not being digitised. Is it possible they are mixed in with ividional or brigade diaries? Think I shall look.


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Graeme - not sure this answers my question - those links just bring up the purchasing option for the two parts I can find - not the Nov 1917 to August 1918 part I can't find as per my opening post.

If memory serves me correct I had always been able to search for and find a diary (if it exits) irrespective of whether it had been digitised or not. If it had been digitised, then the purchasing option was available. If it had not been digitised, then when you clicked on the link it would tell you so (and hence implied the only option would be to visit Kew to view it).

I understand TNA have been, and will be, digitising more diaries over the centenary, and I think they are starting with the Western Front. That seems to leave a few possibilities:

1) The diary does not exist (i.e. it has been lost)

2) It has been miss-filed as per the suggestion by Mark - perhaps it will turn up eventually

3) TNA have withdrawn diaries for the other theatres of war for digitising and they are no longer (for the meantime) returned on a hit list following a search request.

Does anyone have a copy of this part of the 1/8 Worcestershire's WD?

Can anyone find a Diary for a unit serving in Italy (or elsewhere outside of F&F)?

Any other ideas - perhaps I can contact TNA for advice.

Thanks for your help.


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Hi Russ

Yeah, sorry about that, should have checked my dates.

I have seen the diaries at the Worcester Regiment Museum, they have transcribed all the diaries, but did not photograph anything in this period.

May be worth a phone call to them, they have been most helpful to me in the past,

I have previously posted the WD for the 1/7th Battalion


Stackes is here is this any good




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Good idea to contact the Regimental museum.

Thank you very much for the links - your transcribed 1/7th's WD in Italy during this time will be a good start because I understand the 1/7th and 1/8th were Brigaded together whilst in Italy.

Yes, I will need to get the Stacke book.

I also came across a reference to:

War History of the 1/8th (Territorial) Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment by Edward C Corbett (Worcester, 1921) - but I can't find it anywhere for sale - perhaps it's out of print - maybe the Regimental Museum has a copy.

Thanks for your help.


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Hi Graeme - yes but only for selected pages I think, and the chapter on Italy does not come up for viewing.

Also, the front cover states Volume II - is there a Volume I ?.

There also appears to be this book:

1/8th Battalion, The Worcestershire Regiment 1914-1918 by H T Clarke and W K Peake (London, 1919). I think Clarke and Peake were Bn Commanders (from the Regimental Museum website).



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