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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Chinese Labour Corps


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Not sure specifically about Ypres but do an internet search under China on the Western Front and China and the Great War and you will find quite a bit about the Chinese Labour Corps

Cheers Martin B

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You should check the book by the Belgian WFA: Ten oorlog met schop en houweel...


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There is also a book published recently by Penguin "Chinese Labour Corps" by Mark O'Neill. Its one in a series of four or five books concerning China and the Great War.


It's available here in New Zealand so must be available elsewhere.


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The classic work is Daryl Klein's 'With the Chinks' published as part of Bodley Head's 'On Active Service Series' in 1919. The original is impossibly scarce but there are cheap reprints available on Amazon.

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Don't buy 'With the Chinks', Bob - this will tell you nothing about the CLC in France, as the book ends when they land ! The book is about the gathering, training and transporting them.

Better to buy 'Strangers on the Western Front' by Xu - can't recall how much it touched on Ypres specifically, but this would be an excellent modern history of their role in France.

The CLC exhibition at IFF in Ypres in 2010 resulted in a book by Gu Xingqing - 'Chinese Arbeiders in WoI'. Unfortunately it is in Flemish... but has lots of good photos in!


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Another good source {again not specifically Ypres} is "China on the Western Front" by M. Summerskill {1982}, available on Amazon, but rather expensive!

A more accessible source is "No Labour, No Battle" by John Starling and Ivor Lee, which gives a lot of detail in only a few pages {this work is about all Labour Corps in the Great War}.


Alf McM

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Hello Alf - I looked up Amazon and there is a first edition at 80GBP but the used copies are only 15GBP so affordable. I am going to enjoy quite a lot of reading.


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Yes, thanks for the link, Gregory - hadn't come across this before, but is now on Xmas list...

Do you touch on their trench art production (he asks, hopefully...) ?


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  • 8 months later...

Are these the only books published on the Chinese Labor Corps?




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Has anyone seen this television documentary on the Chinese Labor Corps? If yes, what was your opinion of it?


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This previous thread


gives details of The Chinese Labour Corps 1916-1920 by Gregory James, cover in original post.



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Are these the only books published on the Chinese Labor Corps?

The only other one I have come across is the book that accompanied the CLC exhibition at IFF in 2010, "Chinese Arbeiders in WO1" by Gu Xingqing. Only problem is it is in Flemish... but nice pictures!!


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