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Separate Naming for War & Victory Medals?


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Perhaps someone might be able to help me out on this question. I have a trio to 18407 Pte.H.Wilton,Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade, and the medals are named as follows:

14-15 Star to 18407 PTE.H.WILTON CAN:M.M.G.BDE:

War Medal to 18407 PTE.H.WILTON C.M.M.G.BDE.

Victory Medal to 18407 PTE.H.WILSON C.M.M.G.BDE.

Obviously it would be just a simple mistake to impress an "S" instead of a "T" on the victory medal. Errors such as this must have occurred fairly often , given the vast number of medals being named.

Were the war and victory medals named together, at the same time and the same place, or were they processed separately and then matched up for shipment to the soldier?

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From what I know it appears that they were named separately and then paired up: seems ludicrous given the millions of medals produced, but there you are.

I had a trio with the BWM lettering noticeably differing from the others. It transpired that it was made and named at the Calcutta Mint in India, which helped the British Royal Mint's workload. It was then shipped to the UK and paired up with the corresponding VM/a blank VM was then engraved (and no doubt Star already despatched) and sent on to the recipient.


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