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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Russian Imperial army units

James A Pratt III

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I have some questions on some Russian Imperial army units namely which corps and armies they were attached to during the WW I period:

6th Siberian Rifle Division (21 Siberian Rifle regiment) I believe it was part of the V Siberian corps from 1914-17 and took part in the Brussilov offensive

5th Cavalry Division (5th Hussar regiment):

Aug 1914 9th army

Nov 1914 2nd army Novikov Cavalry corps later I Cav Corps

Feb 1915 12 army reserve

Oct 1915 1st army Kazakov Cavalry corps

Jun 1916 Northern front reserve

Oct 1917 Northern front

Crimean horse regiment:

Aug 1914 VII corps

Jun 1916 XXXXI corps 9th army

Also did these units do any of note during WW I? If so please let me know. Note the Empress Alexandra was the honorary Colonel of the above mentioned regiments as well as the Life guards lancer of the 2nd Guard Cavalry division Guards cavalry corps.

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I have some questions on some Russian Imperial army units namely which corps and armies they were attached to during the WW I period:

6th Siberian Rifle Division (21 Siberian Rifle regiment) I believe it was part of the V Siberian corps from 1914-17 and took part in the Brussilov offensive


Also did these units do any of note during WW I? If so please let me know. [snip]

Hi James,

The 6th Siberian Rifle Division gets about a half-dozen references in Prit Buttar's Collision of Empires in connection with the Battle of Łódź. Buttar describes in some detail how the division fought hard but was mauled during the battle and notes that the division commander, Gennings, suffered a break down during the battle. Buttar also quotes the British attaché, Knox, as stating that the corps commander, Dushkevich, left the division out to dry. I'm afraid he doesn't offer detail about the specific regiment you refer to. If I come across more info, I'll post it.

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Regarding Novikov, again, there are some spare references in Buttar's book referred to above. He's also mentioned in Alfred Knox's With the Russian Army. You can download that book freely online at: https://archive.org/details/withrussianarmy101knoxuoft.

Given your interest in 6th Siberian Division and Novikov, the book that you really probably should get is Novikov's own: Russkaya armiya v Velikoy voyne: 6-ya Sibirskaya diviziya v boyakh pod Lodz'yu s 18(5)po 24(11) noyabrya 1914 (Voenizdat, Moscow, 1925). I have no idea whether it is available in English, but here is a link to it in Russian. http://grwar.ru/library/Novikoff6SibDiv/NV_12.html?PHPSESSID=f0504adba42e0262ee75c0e8655da360

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