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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Garrison Artillery in Caucasus 1918-19 ?


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I have my grandfather's reenlistment in the Royal Garrsion Artillery dated 4/1/1919 at a place called "Orduniq". The name doesn't bring up any likely place names although there are a number of places in Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia called "Ordzhonikidze" which may be the same place. The changing of names with Turkish and Russian occupation doesnt help!

This leads to the likely conclusion that towards the end of WW1 he was posted to Dunsterforce or some other force in this region. British troops did land at Baku in November 1918. Is there anyone out there who has a list of forces in the region. Farndale in his history of the Royal Artillery mentions RGA troops guarding the reailway line between Baku and Batumi but doesnt list units.



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Don't think it was Ordzhonikidze.

Those places are named post-Russian Civil War in honor of Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Georgian Bolshevik, later member of the CPSU Politburo and close associate of Joseph Stalin.

Maybe some place in the Middle East?

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Thanks Mconrad

Here's all I get from Wikipedia:

"Orduniq was a region and a noble family of the old Armenia c. 300–800, in Ordoru or West Basean."

so the name has some historic link in the area. I agree on the Civil War link for the name but still think there must e some derivative of the previous name.


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