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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Marine insigna

Tavern Druid

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Dear members

I have a friends photo of of one of his ancestors. We know he was a Royal Marine during WW1. He joined in 1905 and left the service in 1919.

We are trying to discover what the insignia on his left sleeve indicates.

He served on many RN ships and service in between at Chatham Barracks. Until 1914 he served mainly in the Far East in China and India and during WW1 served at Dieppe and and the defence of Antwerp.

You can see form the head shot that he is wearing a RM collar badge.

As this is not my photo please respect my friends copyright.





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The star denotes 3rd class signaller.

2 stars is second class. With a crown above the flags is 1st class and finally a crown above and 2 stars below is yeoman of signals(a very special chap).

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Thanks for your reply. That helps a lot my friend will be pleased.

Another piece of the puzzle in place.

Thank you


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He is also wearing the ribbon of the Naval General Service Medal 1915-1962 without any WW1 medals which suggests he received the medal with clasp "Persian Gulf 1909-1914".

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Hi Staffsyeoman

Thanks for you reply. I had not picked up on the medal ribbon although I was aware of it in the image I had no idea which medal it referred to.

I might be being a bit thick here but, you say the medal had a date range of 1915 - 1962 but that the Persian Gulf clasp had a date range of 1909 -1914.

My friend is aware that William Robert Taylor served mainly in the Far East in China and India up to WW1 so was the award backed dated so to speak?

Or can it be assumed that he may have served in Europe and the Persian gulf during WW1.

During WW1 served at Dieppe and and the defence of Antwerp and was awarded the Medal set of Pip, Squeak and Wilfred.

Thanks for your help I will pass this on.


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Hi David,

The medal was first established in 1915 with the intention being that it would cover various minor campaigns (alongside existing Indian and African general service medals). At the time, the only one it encompassed was the Persian Gulf operations 1909-14.

He must have served there in some capacity: the scope of the medal was "Awarded for service against pirates, gun-runners and slavers in the Persian Gulf between 19 October 1909 and 1 August 1914. The award was extended to Royal Marines who supported naval forces undertaking these activities but not those who undertook transport work only." http://www.onlinemedals.co.uk/medal-encyclopaedia/post-ww2-medals/naval-general-service-medal-1915-62

Perhaps one of the ships he was on was detached or in transit at the time and deployed to assist? If you know what ships he was serving on in this period it might help track it down...


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Acting Sergeant William Robert TAYLOR, Chatham/15117, RMLI qualified for the medal for service in the cruiser HMS HIGHFLYER. Around 500 qualified in that ship.

The qualifying periods for HIGHFLYER were:-

9/4/1911 - 6/5/1911; 18 to 29/2/1912; 2 to 26/4/1912; 29/9/1912 - 3/12/1912; 15 to 20/4/1913.

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Thanks Andrew and everyone for your help.

I now have another sleeve insignia which I cant identify but will start a new post topic Middlesex/ Munster sleeve badge.


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Corporal TAYLOR was discharged by purchase before WW1 but was mobilised from the Royal Fleet Reserve and served with Chatham battalion RND in the Defence of Antwerp, qualifying for the 1914 Star and Clasp.

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