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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Trench map help please for original grave location

The Guardroom

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Hi all,

Hoping someone may be able to provide me a map snap shot of the following map ref, where I have found (using the new CWGC docs on line) that a casualty I have been researching was moved from.

Originally the location is around the Les Beoufs area in Nov 1916

Very much appreciated. 57c.T.8.c.9.5.

Best regards,


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Thanks Skipman, unfortunately the link will not open for me. Any chance to jpg picture to the post pls.

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Great thanks Mike. Can you help with another please I have just found in the new records from CWGC. - C 1 a 1.3.

That's all it says but think in may be sheet 28 around Boesinghe in July 1917.



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Great thanks Mike. Can you help with another please I have just found in the new records from CWGC. - C 1 a 1.3.

That's all it says but think in may be sheet 28 around Boesinghe in July 1917.



Phil beat me to it. I wasn't too sure I had it right, but I think I did. Have a go with the technology, once you get the hang of it, it is extremely useful.

The centroid of grid location 28.C.1.a.1.3 is at 50.9022, 2.8702 (paste the highlighted coordinates into google earth) and 'Bob's y'er uncle'


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And 28.C.1.a sector on a Sept 1916 trench map (as I had it close to hand)

It looks like a pretty accurate match, going by the staggered cross roads.



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Many thanks Mike, Phil, for assisting and especially on google earth and entering the coordinates.

The trench map is especially appreciated, as this man eventually was reburied just over the road at Artillery wood Cem.



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No problem Alan. Have a go with the free online tools, they are amazing. If you're struggling, feel free to pm me, and I will try help.

Cheers Mike

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