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help needed to read two sets of army records please!


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Hi I am new to all this, I have managed to find two sets of service records, one is Arthur lockyer army number 9274, joined queens own regiment born about 1888, im not sure if I am this site will enable me to up load his papers, its 15 pages, and another uncle Herbert manners, enlistment age 37, the roal garrison artillery number 172469, married to Alice. Herberts father John A Manners, all from the area Deptford London. I am hoping someone may be able to help me with this, as I cant read it and don't understand all the different language they use. Thank you in advance steph

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Hi, Steph

Welcome to the Forum.

Arthur Lockyer's papers confirm that he volunteered to join the West Kents on 24 August 1914. He had previously been a baker and was the son of Frederick Lockyer of 85 Church Street, Deptford.

He was allocated service number 9274 and was promoted to Lance Corporal on 11 September 1914 and to Acting Corporal on 26 October 1914.

In July 1915, he deserted and was put on trial for desertion and "escaping when in lawful custody". He was sentenced to one year in prison with hard labour, which he served in Chelmsford. He asked the authorities to reduce his sentence so that he could go to the front and "endeavour by my conduct in the field to make up for my former misconduct" but this was rejected on the grounds that it was "highly probable that he would again desert".

He was released from prison in June 1916 and discharged from the army on 1 August 1916 as being permanently unfit for military service.


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The records don't say, I'm afraid.

For Gunner Herbert John Manners, you really need an artillery expert but the bare bones of his record say that he was "deemed" to have enlisted on 24 June 1916 and was called up on 18 July 1917. He served with 484 Siege Battery of the Royal Garrison Artillery from August 1917 until being posted to Italy in March 1918, where he served with 390 Siege Battery until being demobilised in March 1919.

His war service entitled him to the the British War Medal and the Victory Medal, both of which he received in December 1921.

Some of the papers are hard to read. His wife's name is illegible (to me anyway) but the names of three children are recorded: John Herbert (b 1 September 1901), William Henry (b 4 January 1904) and George (?) Walter (b 22 August 1906). Before enlisting, Gunner Manners had worked as a labourer. His address is given as 8 The Stowage, Deptford.


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