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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Amos Gratton - Australian Imperial Force


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I am researching Amos Gratton of the Australian Imperial Force. His military record states the following:

8.7.16 AIF H'Qrs Adm. Burtport Depot ex Abbeywood, England.

27.11.16 1.Comm. Depot. M/Out to Bhurtpore Bks, Perham Downs, England.

Can someone please tell me if Burtport Depot and Bhurtpore Barracks are the same place? Also, what is the reference to 'ex Abbeywood'? He was moved to Burtport Depot from Brook Hospital, Woolwich where he'd been since 04.12.15.

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Yes. Same place, Burtport is likely typo. The references are probably to Bhurtpore Barracks, part of the Tidworth Garrison. He is marching in and then marching out, probably to different administrative units at Bhurtpore.

I would say he was administered by AIF HQ after being hospitalised, then to 1 Command Depot which administered men enroute to posting to active service.


Tim D

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