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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lt George Ingle Finch RFA


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Been reading "Into the Silence: The Great War, Mallory and the conquest of Everest" and came across a strange tale of Lt Finch later Capt RAOC.

A Chemist and Mountaineer, he was selected and later dropped from the team that made the first attemp to climb Everest, he later took part in the 2nd attempt in 1922 reaching a then record height of 27,300 feet (8320m). He was married to the Mother of actor Peter Finch, who became pregnant with him while he was serving in Gallipoli, despite this Finch gained custody of the child.

Anyway to the strange tale (if the above isn't strange enough), the author relays the fact Finch married his Wife Alicia Gladys Fisher 16/06/1915 in Portsmouth while on leave and listed his address as (No Man's Land).

If true, anyone came across anything like this on a Marriage cert before or are we looking at something unique?


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