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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Maori Bn


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Does anyone have any additional information on the Maori Bn (was there just one or several)? I periodically see their headstones on the Somme and elsewhere and I'm never sure whether they were a pure Maori contingent and whether they were pioneers or infantry or both? Any info appreciated. Thanks

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I may be very wrong but I believe the Maoris were used as pioneers? No doubt a more learned forum member will be along soon to answer your question with more confidence.


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Kia Ora from NZ .the Maori Battalion was ww2 .the Maori Pioneer Batt was ww1. Some Maori enlisted under English names ,i know of one from our town George Morgan.(Whare Reihana) Also my gt uncle was in the Auckland Reg.As his father was English and mother maori he had the English name Woodgate, his mother Ngai Tahu &.Te atiawa iwi also his cousins. Watson, Norton. Aldridge. all had maori mothers .But English fathers. In ww2 you had to trace back to an iwi. You are always considered maori if you are a maori descendant and can give the whakapapa (familyTree) back to the full blooded maori tribe


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