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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lt William Stanley Grey


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Hi Everyone I'm having problems finding anything about a Lt. William Stanley Grey, who in August 1918 would have been 28 years old. apparently he may have been in the tank regiment, but at that age might have started of in another regiment. He seems to have disappeared or died shortly after the war, although he is not on CWGC lists, is it possible to find if someone died of wounds received, in WW1 so far normal genealogy tracking has failed to find a positive ID, any leads most appreciated.

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Hi Vectis,

I cannot find an officer of that name and initials in the Army lists which I have for WW1, however there is an officer in the Indian Army: Capt.W.A.S.Grey. He became Captain in 1913 and by 1919 is shown under the list of Non Effective officers, still with the rank of Captain and noted as being attached to the Flying Corps.

Hope this helps?


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As Robert writes in post #2 there appears to be no record of a Lt. William Stanley Grey. There was, however, a Lt. William Stanger Gray, R.F.A. Territorial Force.


He was born 1891 Q4 so 27 years old at the end of 1918. He died in 1957 in Kent.

As best you can tell from the dreaded London Gazette he appears to be the only W.S. Gray or Grey.

A possibility?

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Stanley William Gray as posted by Mike in #4

Gazetted 2nd Lt. in the Tank Corps 23.10.1918


Relinquished his commission on completion of service and retained the rank of 2nd Lt. 15.12.1920


No apparent medal index card for him.

There appear to be two Stanley William Gray of the approximate age, both born Yorkshire 1891. One was an assistant teacher, and the other a cycle repairer.

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The spelling for Lt William Stanley Gray definitely Gray. Only states HM Forces. Father Alexander there is another second name for the father it looks like Eward or Everard or possibly Edward. Lt Gray has the same name as his second middle name.

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