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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

US Army

John Milner

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Can anyone tell me if the following served in the US Army in WW1:

Alister MacKenzie Dodson born 14 October 1898, and his brother Leonidas Dodson born 16 September 1900, their father was the Rev WP Dodson address 150, Fifth Avenue, New York City.



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I found Leonidas in the 1930 U.S. Census as Leonitas Dodson, living in Princeton, New Jersey (wife: Esther), working as a university instructor. To the question "Whether a veteran of U.S. military or naval forces", Leonidas advised "no".

Alister is listed in the 1920 and 1930 U.S. Censuses as Alexander Dodson living in Pasadena, California. In the 1930 Census he indicated he was a veteran of the World War.

In the 1920 Census, both sons, listed as Alexander and Leonidas, are listed in the Pasadena household of their father, William P. Dodson, whose occupation is "African missionary".


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Alister's draft registration card is on Ancestry.com. It shows that he registered as Alexander MacKenzie Dodson on 12 September 1918 in Pasadena, California, where he was a 19 year old student. Perhaps he made it into uniform in the short period of time before the war ended, but it seems highly doubtful that he made it overseas before hostilities ceased.


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Thank you Chris! Much appreciated.


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