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Did the armistice effectively 'ground' all aircraft on the western front or were observation flights over your own lines still allowed ?


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Did the armistice effectively 'ground' all aircraft on the western front or were observation flights over your own lines still allowed ?


British and French aircraft were active checking that the Germans were complying with the armistice terms. There were certainly restrictions on German flights

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There were operations scheduled for 11 Nov 1918: (i.e 11 Nov 1918- At 10:45 on the morning of November 11th, the crew of a 15 Sqn RE.8 observation aircraft landed at Auchy and reported no enemy aircraft or anti-aircraft fire seen. Fifteen minutes later, Armistice with Germany was declared and the war ended.)

Also these orders area interesting: As 32 Squadron will have taken off of offensive action at 0845 on 11 Nov 1918. there must have been aircraft on offensive operations in the air at 11.00 on Armistice day without means of being re-called (i.e. no radio)

9TH WING, R.A.F. ORDER NO.766. Copy No. / 7

Sunday, 10th November 1918.

  • In the Field.

The following Operations will be carried out to-morrow.

1. SITUATION. Any further change in the Line will be attached or sent out by wire.

2. RECONNAISSANCES. No.25 Squadron.

Same as contained in 9th Wing, R.A.F. Order No.759, dated 4th November 1918.

3. PHOTOGRAPHY. No.25 Squadron.

Complete areas as detailed in 9th Wing, R.A.F. Order No.763, dated 7th November 1918.

4. BOMBING. No.18 Squadron.

All available machines will leave the ground at 07.00 to bomb NAMUR Railway Station. Height 15,000 feet. Cameras and 112 lb. bombs will be carried. This raid need not be repeated.

Nos.49 and 27 Squadrons.

All available machines of each Squadron will leave the ground at 07.00 to bomb CHARLEROI Railway Station. Machines will fly as one formation No.49 Squadron providing the Leader. Each Squadron will drop its bombs on signal being given by its own Leader. Height 11,000 feet. Cameras and 112 lb. bombs will be Carried. D.H.9s. will rendezvous with machines of No.62 over VALENCIENNES.

O.C., No.49 Squadron will notify 0.C.,No.62 Squadron and Wing Headquarters in good time as to the time of departure of the combined formation.

O.C., No.49 Squadron will have a communication machine ready for despatch to LA BRAYELLE half an hour before D.H.9s. leave the ground. This machine will drop a message addressed to O.C., No.32 Squadron, notifying him what time the D.H.9s. will be leaving the ground.


No.62 Squadron. All available machines will leave the ground 3/4 of an hour after D.H.9s. of Nos.49 and 27 Squadron who are bombing CHARLEROI. They will rendezvous with the combined formation over VALENCIENNES and accompany them to the objective and back. Height 14,000 feet. Every endeavour will be made to destroy all. E.A. which may have left the ground with the intention of attacking the bombers.

No.32 Squadron. All available machines will leave the ground one hour after D.H.9s. of Nos.49 and 27 Squadrons. They will carry out an Offensive patrol on the Line LA LOUVIERE - LA BUISSIERE (S. of BINCHE) and render as much assistance as possible to D.H.9s. returning from CHARLEROI. Height 15,000 feet.

  • TIME ISSUED - 22.00. 9th Wing, R.A.F.

    • signed JS Webb,

      Staff Officer,

      • Captain

Note: No 62 Sqn was equipped with Bristol Fighters, No 32 with SE5a's, No 25 with DH4's and the others largely with DH9's.

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RAF Communique number 32 covering 4th - 11th November is as follows for Nov 11th

"Weather: fair but misty ─ 20 tons of bombs were dropped by night and ¾ ton by day ─ no enemy aircraft activity

214 Sqn carried out a successful raid on Louvain railway station railway sidings and junction during the night, 112 112-lb bombs being dropped and many direct hits being obtained, An ammunition train was hit, causing explosions and fires all over the sidings.

Hostilities ceased at 11.00."

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