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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

World War Ships & Subs @ Harwich


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Apologies if I have posted in the wrong Forum..

I Am still researching All Submarines & Ships of the Royal Navy, and other Navies that were present or visited Harwich in Both War..

I Think I Have Most Subs


B7,B18,B10, B11

C1-13 , C16,19,23,25,31,34,34


All E Class



H5-H10 , H21




H28, H44 H49 H44 O14 O23 Oberon Orp Dzik Orp Sokol Orp Wilk Oxley Rm Dagabur Salmon Sealion Seawolf Shakespeare Shalimar Shark Snapper Spearfish Sportsman Sterlet Storm Stratagem Sturgeon Subtle Sunfish Tactician Taurus Tempest Thetis Thule Triad Triumph Truculent Undaunted


Plus 100's of British Warships of Both Wars, this is quite a big task so any help would be appreciated

thank you

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Steve. Most interested on what you are doing.

I do have some little info on H49 / H28 / H44's time in Harwich / Parkestone Quay.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve. Most interested on what you are doing.

I do have some little info on H49 / H28 / H44's time in Harwich / Parkestone Quay.


any info appreciated, thanks

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STEVE. Not WW1, but here is a Memorial ( & story) to H49 (Harwich WW11). Suggest you visit the Church at Shotley where there are many graves of RN serving Harwich.


Over the years I have `banged-on’ about the fact that although all other boats that had left U.K waters and been sunk in those waters had a memorial to the boat. But-not H.M. Submarine H.49. Some 6 years ago I had visited St. Mary’s Church at Shotley, Suffolk and viewed the submariner graves there and wondered at the lack of Memorial to H.49.

On return home I contacted the Local (Colchester) Submarine Old Comrades Association, the local Parochial Church Counsel, the Local Councillor, the Vicar of the Church. I informed them of the `anomaly’ and offered to have a plaque put on the wall to the crew of H.49. I also offered to have the wall itself, which was in some disrepair, refurbished. Many weeks past while this was discussed amongst them.

Later in the year I attended the ceremony of the Old Comrades commemoration of those lost in the two wars at the monument to those lost in submarines that had departed from Harwich in 1914-18. After the ceremony we all repaired to HMS GANGES where we had a meal together. There I once again put forward the lack of Memorial to H.49 and spoke of my wish to place a plaque in the church in remembrance of the boat.

Having some `bumphf’ on GANGES I visited the museum last week and will have to do so again at a further date. Whilst in the area I again visited Shotley Church, with a view perhaps of once again taking up the cudgels regarding getting a Memorial to H.49 – and Surprise, Surprise, there is now a Memorial Plaque to ;

In Memory of all Submariners Who Lost their Lives on Active Service

Including the Crew of H49 the only Submarine Lost from the Harwich

Flotilla in W.W.2 for Whom there is no Local Memorial

Presented by the Submariners Association (Colchester & District Branch)

So, at last, perhaps through my little efforts, a Memorial has now been `erected’ in the Church. This due in most part to my enthusiasm having been rekindled by the visit to the Texel Island, Holland, with the `Old Boys’ of The Beamont School.

So, my grateful thanks to the Submariners Association of Colchester – well done !

Hoped to be able to Post a Pic of the Memorial as displayed in the Church, but cannot find a `link / icon' to be able to do so ???

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Well done!

If you use the Full Edit (?) option rather than Fast Reply, I think this will give you the link opportunity.


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Well done!

If you use the Full Edit (?) option rather than Fast Reply, I think this will give you the link opportunity.


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Thanks SJ - BUT - I can see NO `Full Edit or Fast Reply'.

In the Blue `line' on top there is no `paper-clip'. All there is is Multiquote & Quote at the bottom right ??

Reply options does not do anything. Nothing else ??????

Sad Sadsac

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O dear - hm, I'm away from my pc at the moment and using phone - will have to keep you on tenterhooks I'm afraid. I may be suffering from terminological inexactitude...

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Try this:

Start a Reply to this topic and at the bottom R you will see Post and also More Reply Options.

Open More Reply Options and below the answer box you will see Attach Files.


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SJ / CGM - here the `full' Memorial as displayed.

Could not get it in the last Post for some reason !!

Oh Dear - message says `Error file is too big to upload. But the Pic is same size as previous ?? Could it be that it is in another `File' -- being `DROPBOX' and the other I tried was `Downloads' ??

Mutter, Mutter, MUTTER !!!!


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Oh Dear (again) - tried again, but believe the Site is trying to upload ALL the files in the Folder I am trying to include.

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Here's the full picture of the memorial, re-sized and uploaded (I hope!)


All the best,


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Well Done CJane and many thanks for all your help. Wonder what I was doing wrong / not doing ???

The Memorial is on the `South Wall' - inside of the Shotley Church. There is also a Memorial to the Crew Of H.49 on the Island Of Texel, Holland. If it is not `off Post' (as the boat was lost WW11 - therefore not EXACTLY WW1 - although built WW1) I will (try) to Post picture here.


Thanks again-Jane !!

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STEVE. Not WW1, but here is a Memorial ( & story) to H49 (Harwich WW11). Suggest you visit the Church at Shotley where there are many graves of RN serving Harwich.


Over the years I have `banged-on’ about the fact that although all other boats that had left U.K waters and been sunk in those waters had a memorial to the boat. But-not H.M. Submarine H.49. Some 6 years ago I had visited St. Mary’s Church at Shotley, Suffolk and viewed the submariner graves there and wondered at the lack of Memorial to H.49.

On return home I contacted the Local (Colchester) Submarine Old Comrades Association, the local Parochial Church Counsel, the Local Councillor, the Vicar of the Church. I informed them of the `anomaly’ and offered to have a plaque put on the wall to the crew of H.49. I also offered to have the wall itself, which was in some disrepair, refurbished. Many weeks past while this was discussed amongst them.

Later in the year I attended the ceremony of the Old Comrades commemoration of those lost in the two wars at the monument to those lost in submarines that had departed from Harwich in 1914-18. After the ceremony we all repaired to HMS GANGES where we had a meal together. There I once again put forward the lack of Memorial to H.49 and spoke of my wish to place a plaque in the church in remembrance of the boat.

Having some `bumphf’ on GANGES I visited the museum last week and will have to do so again at a further date. Whilst in the area I again visited Shotley Church, with a view perhaps of once again taking up the cudgels regarding getting a Memorial to H.49 – and Surprise, Surprise, there is now a Memorial Plaque to ;

In Memory of all Submariners Who Lost their Lives on Active Service

Including the Crew of H49 the only Submarine Lost from the Harwich

Flotilla in W.W.2 for Whom there is no Local Memorial

Presented by the Submariners Association (Colchester & District Branch)

So, at last, perhaps through my little efforts, a Memorial has now been `erected’ in the Church. This due in most part to my enthusiasm having been rekindled by the visit to the Texel Island, Holland, with the `Old Boys’ of The Beamont School.

So, my grateful thanks to the Submariners Association of Colchester – well done !

Hoped to be able to Post a Pic of the Memorial as displayed in the Church, but cannot find a `link / icon' to be able to do so ???

Thank you

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Thanks Joseph.

Again, not quite WW1, but to continue with the H.49 `Memorial Story'.

Here is a Memorial to the crew that is in the Aeronautical Museum on the Island of Texel, off which the wreck of HMS/m H.49 lays.

Oh Dear - here we / I go again - tried to include picture of Memorial but got `file too large' ????

HELP !!!!!!!

Sad Sadsac

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Hi Dennis

Open the file on your PC. Click where it says "Edit pictures" at the top. If you are using the same set-up as I do, the panel on the right will offer a "Resize" option. Keep on shrinking your picture (save it with a slightly different name so as to avoid losing your original-size version) until it shows as being 250 KB or less (hovering your cursor over the icon should tell you).

Then you should be able to upload it.

If not, send it along :)


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CJane, being somewhat `thick' I was / am mystified as to which `file' you allude - tried `something', but no `edit pics' appeared, so once again call upon your expertise to import pics to the Forum.

Will EMail you.

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Sorry Dennis, by file I meant picture. Urgh, taken over by technospeak. I apologize!

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CJane - thanks - have EMailed you re this.

Sadsac, I've dropped you a PM but apparently you haven't read it yet. Just letting you know. (Apologies to everyone else on this thread!)

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Have cropped the first picture into several pieces so that they can be displayed with the text legible. Hope it suits...

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