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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

4th Army Question


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Hi Everyone,could Anyone tell Me Please,what Divisions made up the 4th(New Army).And also what Battles it was involved in.

Kind Regards.


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Hello Phil

Be careful not to confuse the Fourth Army, created in early 1916 basically to take the lead role in the Battles of the Somme, with the Fourth New Army which was the name by which 30th to 35th Divisions were known.

To add further confusion, the divisions originally given these numbers were broken up in April 1915 and the numbers were given to the original Fifth New Army.

What is the context which gave rise to your query?


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Hi Everyone,Sorry for My Delay in Replying.Thank You Johnboy and Ron for taking the Time to Reply,Johnboy I have Looked on the Long Trail Site but I do not see any mention of which Divisions comprised the 4th Army,I may be missing something,but I will try again.Ron I am trying to trace a Relative who served in the Great War,I have not had a lot of success,so I thought about trying another avenue.Looking now,not sure if this will work.But Thank You Both Again.

Kind Regards


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If you post the info that you have eg name service number regiment, battalion, where from, if he survived etc it will make it a bit easier to get some help.

Try to stick to known facts and don't rely on family tales!

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Divisions moved between Corps, and Corps between Armies, on a frequent basis so you would need to specify a date or range of dates.

If you can get to the National Archives at Kew, files WO95/5467 to 5468 contain orders of battle for the BEF at roughly monthly intervals. The British Official History of the Medical Services also contains a breakdown of the corps and divisions in Fourth and Fifth/Reserve Armies for the whole of the second half of 1916.

Post what info you have, as johnboy has suggested, and say what particular period you are interested in, and we will probably be able to help you further.


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Hi Ron,Thank You for You Reply.What You said about the movement of Divisions,would You possibly know, if the same happened with A.S.C. Companies.And would You know,if I may ask,how to find out what A.S.C. Companies would have been allocated to what Armies.

Kind Regards


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Yes indeed, and the WO95 files I mentioned will tell you about that. So will "Army Service Corps 1902-1918" by Colonel Mike Young, which has an appendix listing all the ASC companies, their roles, and the file location of their war diaries in WO95.


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