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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Walsall College Memorial


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I have been aware for some time that a memorial was in place in the old Walsall College in the town centre.

After making some enquiries I have just been told that it was not 're-sited in the newly built college but has been placed "outside the library".

This means nothing to me as I have not been into Walsall for some time (and am not even in the country at the moment).

Does anyone know anything about this memorial and where it may be ??

Many thanks



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I have a friend who works in Walsall Town Hall, so I tasked him to have a wander round the town one lunchtime. Here's his report:

Hi John

I’ve had a look into this for you and there is nothing in or near the central library in Walsall. I can only assume that the library being referred to is the college library which is on their campus so unfortunately I can’t get access.

That said, I will see if we have any contacts there and will try and get some more info for you.



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Cheers, many thanks for the interest and for taking the time to look into it.

I have asked my 'source' if it is possible that it is in the College Library.

Fingers crossed



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It may be relevant to note that Walsall College appears to be reticent about its own history. A review of its website reveals no date earlier than 2009 - a mere five years ago - when the building on its present main campus was opened. There is no indication as to the age or location of any previous building, let alone the identity of antecedent institutions from which an entity such as Walsall College has usually evolved, and of one of which those recorded as killed in the Great War would have been alumni.

If collegiate memory is thus consciously reduced to five years, it seems little wonder that an 'inconvenient' reminder of the past century may have been buried out of sight, out of mind. A challenge to the college principal, or, failing that, to the college governors, may be appropriate.

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Many thanks for the input.

Strangely, only a few minutes ago, I e-mailed my 'source' to obtain the Principals details with a view to writing to him or her to see if they have any further details.

Annoyingly I attended the old college for night classes in about 1972, prior to my interest in the GW.

Cheers and regards


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