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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Further Research Suggestions


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Hello All,

I can come to a dead end researching my Great Grandfather and Great Great uncle. I have used the LLT to research up to this point and wondered if you had any further suggestions as to where I could go.

Henry Nichols


1/6TH Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment

Killed Biaches 11th March 1917.


Frank Taylor (Fred Bates)


1st Battalion Kings Liverpool Regiment.

Killed January 1915.

These are really the first people I have researched I wondered for all you seasoned researchers if there waswhere else I could search. I will have to follow up all my research using the name Harry Nichols (Henry signed his marriage certificate as Henry) so it is possible he used Harry on his official signing up forms. I have yet to see but any infomation from this would be fantastic.

I have not looked much further than the national archives.

Again if you have any suggestions where I can further research my relatives.

Thank you


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Have you chased up a spendy WFA held pension record for them?

Local newspapers/rolls of honour/war diary/Battalion Official history/personal memoirs of those who they served alongside.

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I must have mentioned that I followed LLT and I found that you could search the war museum for records of items retained which I was going to but they are transferring records.

I haven't looked up the local newspapers this is a fantastic idea, also looking at the battalion history and trying to find some personal memoirs would be another step. Thank you for the suggestions.

I have not looked at the pensions either which would be a great idea. What's a WFA at the risk of sounding stupid.

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Many thanks,

Just heading off so will check this in detail tomorrow. Maybe it's my age but joining this forum has made me realise the information available for researching individual soldiers.

Maybe being 20 I still have this bit excitement at finding such information.

Thank you


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