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Did POW's get paid or not?


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I was chatting to someone last evening who's Great Uncle was a POW after being captured when the 9th Sherwood's attacked on 26 Sept 1916.

She said that a couple of years ago she was told that families suffered as the men did not get paid after being captured.

Could this be true?

I had always presumed that the families would be looked after as the man was still in the Army but this lady has made me doubt whether I am correct or not.

She had also heard that ex POW's ended up being sent to Archangel to fight the Reds (Well her man did)

Any views would be most welcome (or even facts)

So far I have never come across any papers for a POW so do not really know the score on said subject.

Thank you

Steve M

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The separation allowance might have been paid, As a POW still enlisted in the army then pay should still be allowable. If you see service record for a POW I wonder if the time spent as a POW counts towards length of service? If it does then he should definitely be paid.

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They were paid



The War Office announces on the subject of the pay of men reported missing that no further pay is credited to a soldier officially reported “missing,” unless

(1) it is ascertained that he died at a certain date, when pay is credited up to the date of his death; or

it is found that he is a prisoner of war, when arrears are credited and pay continues

Where separation allowance is being paid the allowance (1) is continued for 30 weeks after the official notification; (2) for 26 weeks after the official notification of death, when the latter is notified officially within a month after the date upon which it was announced that he was missing.
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Slightly off topic -

When my father came home in May 1945 after 42 months as POW he received his "back pay" minus "payments" supposedly made by German's for his enforced labour-money in the form of "lager geld" - was there a similar deduction for POW's in WW1?

Steve Y

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