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Hi, I am new to this site.

I would like to find any info on my Grandfather, William John Pratt. I have searched in Ancestry and other sites but as yet no info can I find. Think his records may have been destroyed by fire.

All I know is his name, born on the 28th September 1897 in East Ham, London and lived at 120 Wakefield Street, East Ham.

He was in the Army to start with and was wounded I think in the legs by shrapnel. At some point during the war he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps and was a mechanic repairing aircraft in France. All I know about that was that he did crash a couple of planes, not badly, while testing them after the repairs, so I have been told. I do not know anything else, no regiment number, medals etc.

Is there any way I get any more info about him. My father would also like to know more about his Dad, its a shame questions were never asked earlier...

Many thanks


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There are four W. J. Pratt shown on the 1918 R.A.F. Muster Roll. Unfortunately no Christian names are given.

From what you state of his work in the R.F.C. the most likely is probably:-

65650 Pratt W. J. - R.F.C. trade classification Fitter (Eng.), R.A.F. trade classification (Fitter A.E.), R.F.C. rank - A. Mech 2, R.A.F. rank - A. Mech 3, joined 14.7.16, date of last promotion 8.3.17.

The others with the name W. J. Pratt were:-

61483 a storeman.

251786 engine fitter (gen.) joined 7.3.18

249113 labourer joined 1.2.18

Found no medal card for W. J. Pratt 65650

There is a service record for William John Pratt 65650 at the National Archives but it cannot be downloaded, probably because it extends up to 1928. It does however confirm that the W. J. Pratt 65650 in the R.A.F. Muster Roll is a William John Pratt.


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With such little info to go on it will prove difficult.

Does the 1911 Census show him as working, and what did he do?

How badly wounded was he was he??

Did he continue working as a mechanic after the war? What year did he marry?

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With such little info to go on it will prove difficult.

Does the 1911 Census show him as working, and what did he do?

How badly wounded was he was he??

Did he continue working as a mechanic after the war? What year did he marry?

Many thanks for your reply.

1911 census, age 13, still at school but working as a milkmans boy.

All I know about his wounds were leg injuries caused by shrapnel. He had metal plates fitted to his leg, some said silver, not sure.

I do not know when he left the RFC.

He got married on 6th September 1924 and his occupation then was a fitters mate.

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There are four W. J. Pratt shown on the 1918 R.A.F. Muster Roll. Unfortunately no Christian names are given.

From what you state of his work in the R.F.C. the most likely is probably:-

65650 Pratt W. J. - R.F.C. trade classification Fitter (Eng.), R.A.F. trade classification (Fitter A.E.), R.F.C. rank - A. Mech 2, R.A.F. rank - A. Mech 3, joined 14.7.16, date of last promotion 8.3.17.

The others with the name W. J. Pratt were:-

61483 a storeman.

251786 engine fitter (gen.) joined 7.3.18

249113 labourer joined 1.2.18

Found no medal card for W. J. Pratt 65650

There is a service record for William John Pratt 65650 at the National Archives but it cannot be downloaded, probably because it extends up to 1928. It does however confirm that the W. J. Pratt 65650 in the R.A.F. Muster Roll is a William John Pratt.



Many thanks for your reply.

I do not know how long he stayed in the RFC for but when he married in 1924 he was employed as a fitters mate.

Will chase up the other leads you have given me, many thanks

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His occupation when he married ties up.

If he had married whilst still in service the certificate may have shown his number and regiment.

Good luck with the rest of your search.

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As was said that his service record went on to 1928, would that mean full time service in the RAF or in a reserve post?

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Would his service number be the same in the RFC as it was in the Army?

If he was transfered then I think he would have been issued a new number

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  • 4 months later...


For all those that gave information on my Grandfather. Have finally located him in the RFC/RAF, service number was 65650. Managed to get his files, very helpful and has answered many questions. Now need to try and find any medical details related to his injuries but as yet not sure where to find them of if they are all available. Many thanks for all your help, made my Father very happy.

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