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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Gallipoli Anzac battlefield


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On my recent visit I was taken by the number of trees being planted along the roads into and amongst the coastal strip of Anzac, which will eventually start blotting out the beautiful coastal shoreline, and of course where the men landed. My other gripe is the amount of pine trees being planted all over Anzac as far up as Hill 60, pretty much everywhere whatever Turkish department responsible can get in. And believe me, they are planting everywhere. We did some serious bush bashing and came across them everywhere. Of course, one day these trees will have grown sufficiently to alter things forever. Way more difficult to view surrounding terrain, with which to get a proper appreciation of the battlefield our men fought.

The great beauty of most of Gallipoli is that much of the terrain is the same as in 1915, even the farmed fields and tracks. Perhaps others have some thoughts on this. Is it not hauntingly beautiful enough as it is without pine forest everywhere? I do not know the legal ownership of the park and so on, but I fervently hope it remains as it is, and no more plantings.


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Just to add to the above,

Today or yesterday there was a strong earthquake in the Aegean off Gallipoli. According to a reliable local Aussie source, who incidentally hates a beer and a chat, some damage to a couple of Turk memorials in Anzac area and some lower parts of the Sphinx at Anzac came down. As an Aussie living in mystical earthquake prone Bali, is this perhaps karma for planting too many trees to blot our views? They would say YES!

No reported deaths luckily, but numerous injured I am told. Some more disturbing news to come shortly regarding these same battlefields, and predominantly Brit.


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