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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

British Losses in Russian Intervention

Mark Hone

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A friend of mine researching a local war memorial has come across a junior officer who died in the British force sent to Russia to fight the Bolsheviks in 1919. I wanted to give him some information about total British losses in the Russian intervention but I haven't been able to discover a simple figure from a quick trawl of the internet and the books I have. Can anyone help?

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From OH Medical Services: Casualties and Medical Statistics Chapter XVI pages 246-247 All numbers are for the British Troops.

North Russia 1918-19..........Officers.............ORs................Total

Battle casualties......................98.................795...................893

Non Battle casualties............893...............8,589.................9,582


Died of Wounds.....................4......................20......................24


Prisoner of War....................14....................119....................133

Wounded less DOW.............50....................455....................505

Non-Battle casualties

Died of disease or injury......11......................110...................121

Sick or injured less died.....882....................8579................9461

Average Ration Strength.....713....................9,834...........10,547

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Thanks, Martin, very interesting. Pretty much on the scale that I had thought. I must admit I've never come across a Russian intervention death in my own war memoral research.

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Morning Mark,

Likewise I knew little about the Russian intervention but one of the men on the memorial I'm researching was killed there with 45th Bn Royal Fusiliers, I went to Kew and got a look at the WD, a bit of a mess, but some snippets - if it is a 45 Bn man your friend is researching let me know and I'll email you what I copied at Kew to pass on. I also found a lot on Australian websites, as a lot of Australians volunteered to go (most of 45 Bn seem to have been Australians by the sounds of it, two won a VC)

Know a long shot your friend is looking at a 45 Bn man, but happy to pass on any info if he is, have some maps from the WD too which may be useful.

All the best


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