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TNA Digitised Diaries-Great Customer Service


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For any members who have found pages to be missing from downloaded diaries, this might be of interest. I recently downloaded one of the digitised war diaries and found to my dismay, eight months worth of pages were missing. As it so happened, the person I was researching turned up when the diary resumed, as if he had been there all along but he wasn't with the unit when the diaries ceased 8 months previously. Frustrating for me, as I felt he must have been posted to the unit during the period of the missing pages.

I emailed TNA who responded promptly telling me they would investigate but it might take them a while. Actually, it didn't take them that long and I received a new download link in an email from them which was to download the diary again because now the missing pages had been located and included. Happily, I found my man and the unit he had transferred from amongst the pages that were initially missing.

Well done TNA!

Edit: Typo error.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - can I ask who you contacted at TNA about the issue? I've just downloaded 9 Rifle Brigade's war diaries for the whole war. It seems pretty intact but there are some missing individual pages (not whole months), also there are a number of appendices that have got attached to completely the wrong diaries (eg stuff from Sept 1915 in late 1917 etc) which you wouldn't realise unless you knew who the Adjutant in 1915 was - and so could cause a lot of confusion!

I had a look about for a contact form. but all I could find seemed to relate to the mechanics of downloading rather than issues with the content.

Many thanks

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On the email you should have received with your download they give an email to contact if you have a problem with your download. I just used that email address. The boxes were supposed to have been sorted before they were digitised but I have my doubts about how meticulous they were with the sorting process. If individual pages are missing here and there, it sounds as though they were actually missing from the box. I have photographed an entire box/boxes of diaries and found odd pages simply missing. One or two I have been able to get from the regimental museum concerned but sometimes they don't have the missing page(s) either.

It is worth following up to see what they say otherwise you will have to separate the PDF and recombine the pages in the correct order. Please let me know if you cannot find the email link and I will check my emails again and post it here for you.


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