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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Shaap - Balie

Beau Geste

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I'm researching a soldier of the 2nd/5th KRL Regt and the name/term Shaap- Belie has materialised. Is this a place,

and is somewhere on The Passchendaele Ridge ?


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Schaap-Balie lies just below the SE corner of Houthulst Forest, NW of Westroozebeke.

The British map reference would be Sheet 20, Square V2 approximately.



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I've 2 maps, trenches corrected to 4/10/17 and 26/10/17, of Schaap-Balie. If you'd like scans please PM me your email address



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  • 1 year later...


I am currently researching 170 Infantry Brigade on 26/10/1917. The WD of 170 Brigade (WO 95/2977) contains a detailed typed report on the operations with a number of maps of Schaap - Balie. One shows the Battalion divisional lines at the start and another shows the position of the Bns, including 2/5 KORL which was initially in support, on the evening of 26/10/1917. I can e mail them to you if you wish.


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German map,

situation on 26/10/1917

170th Brigade had only managed to occupy foerposts at Rubens Farm and Memling Farm


Situation on 30 october 1917





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Terrible conditions on the ground (just the same as near Passendale but often forgotten) for the attacking troops, here near Rubens and Memling Farm.




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  • 1 month later...


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Eddy kindly sent me the air photograph for my project about 170 Infantry Brigade on 26/10/1917, which I am preparing for Bolton Library Local Studies. I have attached a map from the Brigade WD showing the positions at the end of the day of 2/4, 2/5 and 4/5 Loyal North Lancs and 2/5 KORL who were the support Battalion. The features marked on the air photo at V.9.c. 35.45, V.8.d.7.5, Organized shell holes at V.14.b.3.9 and the Copse at V.14.b.16.65 can be plotted. This was Bolton's worst day for casualties because 2/5 LNL and 4/5 LNL were raised in Bolton in 1915. SDGW shows 120 men who enlisted or resided in Bolton either killed in action or died of wounds between 26/10/1917 and 31/10/1917. 19 Corps Routine Orders 935, 956 and 968 show 60 Gallantry Awards (including 2 RAMC attached LNL) for the LNL and 16 for the KORL. The LG shows that 22 of the LNL recipients were from the Bolton area. I have found most of the casualties and medallists in the Bolton papers.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I spent last Thursday Morning 07/05/2015 walking the ground in squares V 8 and V 14, all on tarmac roads. On 26/10/1917 the centre Bn of 170 Infantry Brigade, 2/4 LNL, reached Memling and Ruebens Farm and was then held up at Pill Boxes at V.8.d.40.70. A second attack supported by the support Bn 2/5 KORL took the position and managed to progress across the road to the high ground in V 8 d. where "further progress was impossible owing to the severe casualties sustained from the fire of enemy machine guns and snipers from the direction of Van Dyck Farm and Spider Cross Roads". The left attacking Bn 4/5 LNL could progress no further than Van Dyck Farm and the right Bn 2/5 LNL had not gone more that 50 yds "before they came under an intense m.g. barrage which caused a great number of casualties". All Bns found the going almost impossible. Looking at the aerial photo shows why.


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  • 2 years later...

Remembered today. 2nd Battle of Passchendaele and in particular all those of 170 IB, 173 IB and 149 IB who were k in a on 26/10/1917 in these 5th Army diversionary attacks on the northern flank.


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