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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

War Diary Request- 2nd Scots Rifles September 1915

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Merry Christmas everyone!

I am researching my great grandfather; Peter Ward Private 6765 2nd Scots Rifles ( Cameronians) Killed in action 25th September 1915.

I have his MIC but can't find his service records. has anybody got access to the war diaries for around this time?

Many thanks in advance,



Hello Darryl,

You could contact the Cameronians' Museum http://www.cameronians.org/museum/



Thanks for that Tom. I'll certainly give it a go!



I can second Tom's suggestion. I have a research interest in the 2nd Battalion; 2nd Lt. Malcolm Fraser and when I contacted the Museum about him they were really helpful. I'm fortunate that Fraser was mentioned in "General Jack's Diary" which was quoted in Martin Middlebrook's "First Day On The Somme"; Fraser was killed somewhere in Mash Valley on 1st July 1916. I don't know if Jack's memoirs would cover 25th September 1915 but it might be an alternative. The Diaries were edited by John Terraine and published in paperback by Cassell.



Thanks Fattyowls. Hopefully I can discover more about my great grandfather.

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