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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

RWF Somme momento 8th July 1916


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I have acquired this mirror in a black wooden case with sliding top.

The inside on the lid has the following written on it in ink :

" Bu---ie Trench, Mametez, The Somme , 8th July 1916, 19596 Pte. Blakeley. R.F. Fus "

It has been suggested on another Forum that this may be a German soldiers mirror taken as a souvenir by Pte. Blakeley on the day mentioned.

Any thoughts appreciated.






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'Bunny' ('Bunnie' ?) Trench maybe? ... ... It was on the northern outskirt of Mametz village.


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Benjamin Thomas Blakeley from 38 Mold Road, Buckley, Flintshire was a 16th Bn man (plus went on a Cookery Course) according to the Medal Rolls. His MIC shows date of entry as 2/12/1914. I rather think this will be a typo for 1915 which is when the 16th went over (with 38th Div)

He has a card at Flintshire Records Office, Hawarden that might provided some further details of his war if you are going down that route.


War Diary

6th July: Withdrawn from line owing to overcrowding of trenches and went into bivouacs near CARNOY. Casualties. Killed 3 OR. Wounded One Officer 18 OR

7th July: Relieved 15th RWF in front line trenches.

8th July: Quiet

9th July: Some shelling. Preparing for attack to take place on the 10th

10th July. Mametz Wood attack commences.

Nil about a trench simliar to that name.

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The souvenir suggestion is almost certainly correct. There's no other obvious reason to put a place and date on a piece of his own kit.;

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello WF,

I thought I would add this personal mirror that belonged to Gnr Harry Hastings. While I can't say when he started the record of his war service its an interesting momento nonetheless.

Happy New Year


The souvenir suggestion is almost certainly correct. There's no other obvious reason to put a place and date on a piece of his own kit.;




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Hi Mark

Always a pleasure to see been-there personalised items. A nice piece, as is also the one in the first post.

All the best,


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