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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Alien Registration and Alien Restriction Act(s) 1914?


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Getting a bit bogged down in the above.

Were they actually ONE act or two quite separate acts? From snippets on the web they seem very similar in purpose.


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Getting a bit bogged down in the above.

Were they actually ONE act or two quite separate acts? From snippets on the web they seem very similar in purpose.


Difficult to tell but I think they are separate from what I can find:

The 'Aliens Restriction Act 1914' which gave powers to restrict what an alien could and could not do



Whereas the registration act covered the requirement for them to make themselves known and register accordingly.

I'll keeping looking and see if I can see anything else.


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Cheers Craig! I've had a look on the web but feel like I'm going round in circles...


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  • 3 years later...

I have just posted the following link on another topic, but I'm posting it here for reference purposes.

Aliens (Restriction) Act 1914 by Jonathan Swan

Criminal Law and Justice Weekly Vol.180 August 13 2016


Note however, at the bottom of pages there appears to be at least a  line of text missing.


It is stated that initially alien enemies were given a short period to leave the country.




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Thanks for this.



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  • 9 months later...

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