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281st Brigade, Royal Field Artillery


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I am researching Driver Patrick Joseph Bradley of “B” Battery, 281st Brigade, Royal Field Artillery who was kia in France 6th Sep 1918 and I am trying to find out the circumstances surrounding his death but I find The Long, Long Trail rather confusing so can anyone help please?



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Hello Peter

You could try looking for the war diary for the “B” Battery, 281st Brigade, Royal Field Artillery and find the date to help give a general location and description of the days -/+ 6th Sep 1918

Cheers John

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Have just found this by googling

281st Brigade RFA (1/2nd London Brigade RFA)

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there is already a thread for 1/2nd London Brigade RFA on this site so it may help you as well

cheers John

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This period was leading up to the start of the Battles of the Hindenburg Line (12Sep 1918). 281 Brigade RFA were with 38 Division,a part of V Corps,3 Army. To be certain of their location you will need to see what the War Diary shows. The unit was probably siting in readiness for a pre- battle bombardment.I suspect this to be the case because your subject was not alone in death on the day. CWGC lists 6 RFA soldiers killed and buried in the same grave (A9 of Mory Street Military Cemetery,St Leger). It shows 4 from 281 Bde and 2 from 261 Bde,but I think this was an error as 261 was allocated elsewhere according to the LLT,in Palestine to be exact,and all were probably from 281.It smacks of a direct hit from enemy artillery,either on gun(s) or dugout.

War Diary is not digital,ref WO95/2940. Leave it to me for a few days to see where they were.

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My Grandafther served with DB attery so I have been researching the movements and actions of the brigade.

The following is based on the History of the 56th Div and the War Diary of the Brigade.

Date 56th Division 281 Brigade

28-31 Aug Attack on Bullecourt.

29th Aug. Advanced to outskirts of Crosilles. 232 Brigade joined 56th Division.

31-Aug Relieved by 52nd Division Artillery under command of 40th and then 63rd Division overnext few days

04-Sep Fighting around Inchy-en-Artois and Moeurves.

Hostile shelling of Queant. D & B Batteries move forward to within 1000yds of Pronville

05-Sep Very Quiet day.

Artillery withdrawn from Line to St Leger

06-Sep St Leger. Heavy casualties 8 men and 71 horses caused by 5.9 HV shelling of wagon lines

Brigade re-joins 56th Div

09-Sep Transferred to XXII Corps

6 - 9 Sep Relieved 1st Division

Eterpigny – Recourt

War Diaries for Batteries are very rare and I do not beive one exists for B Battery.

Your man is listed by the CWGC (www.cwgc.org)

Driver Bradley PJ 172730 Commonwealth War Dead A. 9 MORY STREET MILITARY CEMETERY, ST. LEGER



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Thre is a photo of the cemetery in the current post "Is this a small cemetery ?"


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I have two pages of the War Diary covering early Sept 1918. If you would like them let me have your e-mail address in our Message system here.

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