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Scottish uniform


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From the buttons I suspect Royal Scots Fusiliers - what do others think?

[Edit: Stewart - if you give us his full name etc we might be able to help you further. And in case you haven't already looked, if you look here you may find things of interest.]


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Further to my message above: for anyone who needs reminding, here is a Royal Scots Fusiliers button which I fancy I am seeing on Stewart's photo.



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Hi Stewart,

Welcome to the Forum.

I think that the badge, which is rather indistinct, is almost certainly Royal Scots Fusiliers. :thumbsup:


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Yes Robert, I rather think that you are right - I happen to have a photo of the Royal Scots Fusiliers other-ranks glengarry/tam o shanter badge to hand. Voila.....



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Not so fast, Gentlemen. While the button could indeed be Royal Scots Fusiliers, it could just as easily be the Cameron Highlanders in my opinion. See image below.

It is unusual that a ORs service dress jacket has regimental buttons rather than general service buttons.


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It is unusual that a ORs service dress jacket has regimental buttons rather than general service buttons.

I am not convinced those in the original pic are anything other than standard GS buttons myself - the blobs on the second one down in particular match the GS button very nicely.

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I agree with Andrew. The photo is so damaged I do not think anything is reliably discernible from it.

The damage around the badge is such that any suggestion is, IMHO, simply speculation. It is impossible for me to distingush damage from elements of the badge...although the pattern at the top does resemble the fusiliers badge the bottom left (front) could easily be the wreath of the Camerons or even Gordons badge, simply too damaged to tell much more than he is wearing a 1902 Pattern Service Dress jacket (not a 1914 pattern simplified) and a Khaki tam. Determining a button from this image is certainly beyond me!


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In looking at the photo a second time, I am beginning to agree with Andrew and Chris. Every button has a different look to it, and we are seeing a lot of randomness in the image. It is probably GS buttons.

Another observation: Absence of shoulder titles could indicate a Service battalion.


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Yes, now I look again, I think perhaps everyone else is right about those buttons. I'm still seeing a RSF tammy badge though.

Stewart - if you could supply us with his grandfather's full name, then we may well be able to come up with more information.


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Gentlemen, thank you for your input, I cannot discern anything from the buttons myself. My grandfathers name is James Walter (or Walker) Harrison. He was not born until 1897 so would have been only 17 at the outbreak of WWI which is pretty much how old he looks in this photo.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, now I look again, I think perhaps everyone else is right about those buttons. I'm still seeing a RSF tammy badge though.

Stewart - if you could supply us with his grandfather's full name, then we may well be able to come up with more information.


Hi William, did you have any luck tracking down my grandfather James Walter Harrison's regiment.

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I'm not on Ancestry, so can't say for certain that it's him, but a search for James Walter Harrison and Royal Scots Fusiliers gives this result:


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