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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Walter Wesson R.G.A


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Hi I have asked about this gent once before he was my grandfathers brother who was born in 1878 at Earith Huntingdon and was brought up by his grandparents still showing with his grand mother at the age of 15yrs . He next shows on the census of 1901 at the Royal Garrison at Sheerness age 25yrs after this I lost track but have now discovered him on the 1911 transcribed as Weston although the census clearly says Wesson. He is an attendant at Cane Hill Asylum living at St Dunstan Cottages, Coulsden, he now has a wife and son, I presume that people who worked there were provided with a home as on the census there are follow on's in the same road for other employees.

It seems to appear that a number of ex soldiers worked there and although the First World War had not started were it may have been appropriate to be looked after by comrades it just seems an odd scenario, would the army have found jobs for these men on leaving the force? There is also a mention of Walter Wesson on the LCC service records (1918-1919) as acting corporal R.A.F , surely this can't mean The Royal Airforce he would have been well out of kilter.

Just wonder if any one has any thoughts on this, I have never tracked down his service number, any thoughts on the above would be welcome, cheers L.B

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Just wonder if any one has any thoughts on this, I have never tracked down his service number, any thoughts on the above would be welcome, cheers L.B

Don't know about the rest but if his Grandmother was called Phoebe and it's his Royal Artillery number you're after then it's 99018. There are four pages of pre-ww1 service record available on FindmyPast.



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How brilliant are you, yes gt gt grandma was called Phoebe. Thank you so much I will have to wait to go to library to get details, can't tell you how pleased I am for your help cheers L.B

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