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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st battalion Northants

stephen binks

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I am trying to understand what happened to the original burial plot(s) of the 42 1/Northants buried in Bazentin le Petit comm cem. Their headstones are inscribed "Known to be buried..........". I have posted here rather than the Cemetery section, as I would like to know the action which caused their death. I have checked previous posts but the detail is all too brief.


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The graves were apparently destroyed by subsequent shell fire according to the CWGC cemetery page. The action in question is, I assume the one over the few days from 15th to 18th August 1916. This was part of an attempt to capture the ridge to the left of High Wood, the 1st Northamptons being pushed forward to capture various German trenches, one of which was later called Clark's trench after a company commander in the battalion. Part of "A" Company manage to reach the ridge but later withdrew due to lack of numbers.

See here for war diary entries:


If the war diary entry is brief, address all enquiries to: 1st Battalion Adjutant, No. 6 Waterfilled Dugout, Much Screaming in the Marsh, High Wood, Somme..... :blink:


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Thank you for details. Further question to follow once I diggest information.


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