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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

What does D.A.H mean onSWB records

Ron da Valli

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I'm researching a 1914-15 star to Pte Charles Owens 10042 Scots Guards.

His SWB record states; gun shot wound and DAH, I can't come up with anything to fit. Any help would be appreciated.

many thanks in advance.

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Disordered Action of the Heart - usually cardiac arrhythmia and similar heart problems. Though quite commonly seen on army medical forms the man often lived on after the war for many years with no recurrence, being tied in in many ways with the stresses of trench warfare.


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I also chased this up for a specific soldier. Most comprehensive article (for the non-medical person) appeared to be :


Apparently US military doctors first identified the condition in the Civil War and usually meant the sufferer was never posted into front line roles. British medical system was not as exposed before WW1 so the classification was not so certain.


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