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Mention in London Gazette


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I wonder if anyone has the answer to this? I have an Officer Charles Kingsley Parker commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the ASC MT Section. His Service Record shows that he became attached to the 3rd Battalion Kings Liverpool Regiment from "X" Siege Park in France on the 30th September 1918. This was to Victoria Barracks in Cork. The attachment was noted in the London Gazette of the 1st November 1918 along with a 2nd Lieutenant Brettell. I have been unable to trace mention of when these men were transferred back to the ASC although Brettell is mentioned as still being attached to the LR on his promotion to Lieutenant in the Gazette of 17th October 1919.

I haven't been able to find any further mention of Parker at all in the Gazette unless I am using the search facility wrongly and the next posting in his Service Record is an undated one to 226 SBAC marked EF France. which I have to presume means that the date of this posting was around the Armistice as 226 SBAC went to Germany in early December 1918. Otherwise why would the posting be marked France or am I missing something?

Also was it invariably the case that an Officer's attachment changes would be posted in the Gazette and would Parker's date of return to the ASC have been published in any event? It does seem strange that Lt Brettell should still be attached to the LR in August 1919 if Parker's attachment was so short?

I would be grateful for any help as the date of Parker's return to the ASC is of importance as my grandfather was his Batman.



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if he was attached then he was still ASC, presumably he was acting as battalion transport officer, unless there was a desparate shortage of officers that led to him being employed as a temporary infantry officer. Things like attachments and acting rank are a bit hit and miss in the gazette. The variable OCR also makes it a bit dfficult to search at times, and unfortunatley he has a faily common surname. All substantive promotions should be in there, and the date he gave up his commission.

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I haven't been able to find any further mention of Parker at all in the Gazette unless I am using the search facility wrongly


According to the London Gazette Index, Charles Kingsley Parker's entries are:

1917 - LG#30017 Page 3499 : Commission, Cadet to Second Lieutenant.

1918 - LG#30988 Page 12945 : Attachment to Liverpool Regiment.

1919 - LG#31116 Page 497 : Promotion, Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant.

1921 - LG#32397 Page 5805 : Relinquishment of Commission.



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David and Steve

Thanks for the information, picked up this morning. I have no idea what the posting was for although perhaps there is a clue in the previous Service Record entry for the 5th July 1918 which posts Parker to Elstow in Bedfordshire to "No 2 Infantry School of Instruction". Then we hear no more of him apart from leave arrangements to deal with an application to the RAF (which did not proceed) until the LR attachment in the Gazette in November wef from 30th September 1918. I guess the reason for the attachment is likely to remain a mystery and also the exact length as it's ending was obviously not published in the Gazette and the date of posting to 226 SBAC is undated.

As the posting to 226 SBAC is marked "Exped. Force France" I have to presume that the date was prior to it's departure for Germany in early December 1918 making the length of Parker's attachment to the LR approximately 6 - 9 weeks which seems rather short given the time spent at the School of Instruction. Would this be a correct assumption please...?

Thanks again for your help so far.


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