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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Help for shoulder title


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Hello All,

Could you help to find the regiment of this soldier.

I presume Hampshire Regiment, I read " HANTS " but can't read the above tittle.

Many thanks by advance.




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He is wearing a five and three bandolier, didn't only cavalry units wear those?



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Prince of Wales plumes on the button?

Peter B

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Yes you are right, number 204 in Westlake.

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He's wearing a 10 packet bandolier


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He is wearing a five and three bandolier, didn't only cavalry units wear those?

He's wearing a 10 packet bandolier

There are two main versions of the bandolier - that for use with the Infantry set-up of the 1903 Leather Equipment, which utilised a 5-pocket bandolier, and the version usually worn by mounted men that had 9-pockets, 5 on the front, with an additional 4 on the rear. 10-pouch versions are rare, believed to be post-war, and supposedly to be worn around horses necks:


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I will have to dig out my version which is a 10 pouch version and check to see it there is a date, I didn't think about the use around the neck of the horse as it has the brass triangular fitting and strap that goes from it to attach it to the belt. The strap is a slightly different colour but looks to have been with it for an eternity.



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