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2nd Lt Norman Scarratt, MC. What happened at Locon?

Susan Tall

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The cottage my daughter moved into in Cheshire was named Locon. The previous owner is buried in the local churchyard (died 1959). He was Norman Scarratt, MC and the Cheshire Regiment badge is on the headstone and well as an etched picture of a long road with an avenue of trees.

I've been looking on Ancestry and found he was originally with the Territorial Force then enlisted 1/4 Cheshire Regiment and went to Gallipoli where he got a gunshot wound in his nose. He came back to England and was discharged in 1916 as time expired, but it seems he enlisted again with the Special Reserve Cheshire Regiment and became a 2nd Lieutenant and was awarded an MC (London Gazette 19 November 1917).

The citation in the LG for 19 March 1918 says "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He took command of his company during an advance and led them forward to the final objective with great dash and skill. He handled his men with great ability, which contributed largely to the success achieved by his battalion."

Would this have happened at Locon (which google tells me is near Bethune)? Can anyone enlighten me as to what the Cheshire Regt were doing there or point me in the right direction to find out please?

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Hi Susan,

It appears that Norman Scarratt was serving with the 3rd(Reserve)Bn., but was attached to the 9th Bn at the time he won the M.C.

Judging from the L.G.date 19/11/17 then this would point to him being involved in the attack on the Menin Road on 20/9/17. In this attack 2/Lt Hugh Colvin of the 9th Bn won the Victoria Cross, so it is just possible that N.S. was involved with this attack. Unfortunately he receives no mention in the text of the regimental history for this action, however someone with more knowledge may be able to confirm, or otherwise, my thoughts.

It may be worth checking the local press for the area just in case there is a mention.

Hope this helps.


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Many thanks Robert - all good clues. I'll get my son-in-law to check the local press. They renamed the house when they moved in but the brass plate with the name Locon was kept and put on a small gate in the back garden. They always wondered just what it meant - looks like they'll find out soon!

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Good luck Susan. Your son-in-law probably needs to check from soon after 20/9/17 and work forward to around the end of November.

Sounds like the image on the headstone could well be the Menin Road--I didn't clock that when I read your post first time.


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This is a photo of Norman Scarratt's headstone. Does the picture of the road and trees tie up with anywhere near Ypres in September 1917 when he got his MC. To me it looks like cyprus trees and mountains!!


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